Original of this document located at Library of Congress

 Katherine Konchakovska and Bohdan Yasinsky
Library of Congress - 1998


(1990 - 1997)





Books and articles







Mikhail Bulgakov in the Western World (A Bibliography) reflects the holdings of the Library of Congress - books, pamphlets, and microforms - by and about Bulgakov. Because many of these works are unknown in Bulgakov's native land, the European Division of the Library of Congress has compiled the present bibliography of selected works from the West with the intention of reaching a wide range of readers, librarians and researchers in the former Soviet Union and the West.

The bibliography includes some translations that are not held by the Library of Congress because of collection policies concerning translations with languages other then English. This bibliography attempts to depict the wide spectrum of interest by researchers in Bulgakov's role in the world - not only his influence on his contemporaries but his continuing influence. It is intended for researchers, librarians, bibliographers, bibliophiles, and for all those interested in the intellectual and spiritual heritage of the Russian and Ukrainian nations.

The material in the index is divided into six chapters. In the chapter Works about M. Bulgakov, the titles in the original languages consist of selected works and special publications arranged by the Latin alphabet. Bibliographic entries were made according to Anglo-American cataloging rules used in the Library of Congress. All titles in this bibliography were examined de visu. All bibliographic data were verified. All titles and author names are arranged by main entry in numbered alphabetic sequence. Cyrillic-alphabet entries are transliterated by the Library of Congress system. Geographic names are cited in accordance with the U.S. Board of Geographic Names system. Library of Congress call numbers are given for the monographs held by the Library. Some entries are annotated.

Three indexes are provided with reference to the numbered entries: Name (authors, coauthors, compilers, translators), Geographical (place of publication), and Chronological.

We would like to thank the Assistant Chief of the European Division, David H. Kraus, for supporting the project with his friendly assistance and valuable advice, and Stephen C. Cranton, Computer Specialist in the European Division, for his part in formatting the text.

Katherine Konchakovska,

Bohdan Yasinsky




Mikhail Afanas'evich Bulgakov, a prominent Russian author and playwright, was born in Kiev on May 3 (15), 1891, into the family of an assistant professor at the Kiev Theological Academy, A.I. Bulgakov. Mikhail was one of seven children, the oldest of three brothers. After the death of his father in 1907, Mikhail's mother - a well-educated and extraordinary diligent person, assumed responsibility for his education.

From 1901 to 1904, Mikhail attended the First Kiev Gymnasium. The teachers of the Gymnasium exerted a great influence on the formation of Mikhail's literary taste, and his favorite authors became Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and Dickens. After graduation, Bulgakov entered the Medical Faculty of St. Vladimir University, which he finished with special commendation. He became a physician at the Kiev Military Hospital. After serving as a surgeon at Chernovtsy hospital, he was appointed provincial physician to Smolensk province. His life in those days were is reflected in his Notes of a Young Physician.

In 1918, Mikhail Bulgakov returned to Kiev where he opened a private practice at his home at no. 13 Andreyevsky Descent. Here he experienced the dreadful years of the Russian Civil War and witnessed ten coups. Several times successive governments drafted the young doctor into their service. In 1919, he was drafted by the White Army, again as an army physician and then transferred to the Northern Caucasus. There he became seriously ill and barely survived. After this illness he abandoned his career as a doctor for that of a writer. In his autobiography, Bulgakov recalls how he started writing : "Once in 1919 when I was traveling at night by train I wrote a short story. In the town where the train stopped, I took the story to the publisher of the newspaper who published the story".

His first plays, Self-defense and Turbin Brothers, were written in Vladikavkaz and shown there on the city stage with great success. After short travels in Vladikavkaz, Piatigorsk, Tiflis, and Batum, Bulgakov went to Moscow in the 1921, intending "to remain here forever". It was difficult to find work in the capital, but he was fortunate - he was appointed secretary to the literary section of Glavpolitprosvet. To make a living, he worked as a correspondent and wrote feuilletons for the newspapers Gudok, Krasnaia Panorama and the Berlin newspaper Nakanune. For the almanac Nedra, he wrote The Heart of a Dog (1925), The Fatal Eggs, Diaboliad (1924), and The Adventures of a Chichikov.

Bulgakov's began writing the story about the Civil War in Ukraine in 1923, which he published in the journal Rossiia under the title The White Guard. At the request of Moscow Art Theater (MKHAT), Bulgakov wrote on the basis of this story the play The Days of the Turbins (1926), which was staged on the stage of MKHAT with great success.

In 1928, Moscow theaters presented his comedies Zoya's apartment and The Purple Island. Although both comedies were accepted by public with great enthusiasm, the critics gave them bad reviews.

In the play Beg, Bulgakov treated the horrors of a fratricidal war. The Glavrepertkom, which had the power to sanction or prohibit the play, decided that Beg glorified emigration and White generals. Although rehearsals were continued, Stalin prohibited Beg on the Soviet stage.

In the play Molier (The Cabal of Hypocrites), Bulgakov plunges "into fairy Paris of the XVII century". The duel of the great dramatist and actor, Moliere, with a royal palace hypocrite was the theme around which the action took place. After the review by Pravda of the play's premiere, the play was banned from the theater repertoire. Bulgakov's play Batum about the revolutionary years of Joseph Stalin, was prohibited by Stalin himself. His plays Ivan Vasilievich, Last Days (Pushkin), and Don Quixote were also banned. In despair that his works could not be published and his plays not performed in theaters, Bulgakov wrote a letter to Stalin requesting that he be allowed to go abroad. His request was in vain; he did not receive permission.

Bulgakov's personal life was not a fortunate one, yet during his student years he fell in love and married Tat'iana Lappa. Together they experienced the Civil War, enthusiasm and disappointment, joy and sorrow, happiness, and bitterness at the time of parting when they were divorced. Bulgakov married a second and a third time.

Bulgakov envisioned and began his beloved novel The Master and Margarita in 1928, and did the last editing two weeks before his death. The refusal of the authorities to let him work in the theater and the provocations of the critics seemed to damage his health. He became seriously ill and died on March 10, 1940.




1. Angell, M. Max

Ontological vertigo : the metafiction of Cervantes' Don Quixote and Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. M.A. diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993, iv. 86 leaves.

2. Bassett, Antoinette M.

H.G.. Wells and Mikhail Bulgakov : A Study of Influence and Intertextuality. M.A. ids., University of Alaska, Anchorage, 1996, 238 p.

3. Brintlinger, Angela Kay

The Russian Biographical Novel of the Nineteen Twenties and Thirties (IUrii Tynianov, Vladislav Khodasevich, Mikhail Bulgakov). Ph.D. ids., Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, 1994, 234 p.

4. Checkin, Leslie Louise

Dialogue with Stalin : Aesthetic Response to Stalin in the works of Russian Writers of the Thirties (Tvardovskii, Pasternak, Bulgakov). Ph.D. ids., Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, 1995, 248 p.

5. Fowler, Margarita

The Continuing Faustian Tradition : in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. M.A. ids., University of Manitoba (Canada), 1991, 97 p.

6. Kalb, Judith Ellen

Russia Through the Roman Prism : Merezhkovskii to Bulgakov (1890-1940) (Dmitrii Merezhkovskii, Valerii Briusov, Aleksandr Blok, Mikhail Kuzmin, Mikhail Bulgakov). Ph.D. ids., Stanford University, 1996, 237 p.

7. Landy, Deborah A.

The modern devil as he appears in The Brothers Karamazov, Man and Superman, and The Master and Margarita : the embodiment of evil is no longer a truly evil character. Ph.D. ids., Waltham, MA, Brandeis University, 1992, 62 leaves.

8. Larsen, Susan Kirsten

The Poetics of Performance in the Works of Mixail Bulgakov. Ph.D. ids., New Haven, CT, Yale University, 1993, 293 p.

9. Lefsky, Bethan

NEP types in Russian literature and culture of the 1920's. B.A. ids., Madison, NJ, Drew University, 1993. iii, 115 p.: ill.

10. Lokshina, Tanya

Bulgakov and Moliere. Waltham, MA, Brandeis University, 1995, 61 leaves.

Includes bibliographical references.

11. Longinovic, Tomislav Z.

The Improbable Universe : Ideology, Identity and Borderline Poetics in the XX Century Slavic Novel. Ph.D. ids., University of Iowa, 1990, 258 p.

Includes bibliographical references.

On Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Witold Gombrowicz's Ferdydurke, Danilo Kis's A Tomb for Boris Davidovich and Milan Kundera's Life Is Elsewhere.

12. Mahood, Scott L.

Soviet dramatic satire of the NEP. M.A. ids., Sacramento, CA, California State University, 1992. vi, 70 leaves.

13. Popovich-Semeniuk, Maria

Sonata Pathetique by Mykola Kulish and The Days of the Turbins by Mikhail Bulgakov : a Literary Dialogue. Ph.D. ids., University of Ottawa (Canada), 1990, 280 p.

14. Prager, Valerie

Comparative Analysis of the Christian Theme in Soviet Literature (Mikhail Bulgakov, Boris Pasternak, Chingiz Aytmatov, V. Alfeeva, IU. Dombrovski). M.A. ids., McGill University (Canada), 1993, 111 p.

15. Richmond, Steven David

Ideologically Firm : Soviet Theater Censorship, 1921-1928. Ph.D. ids., University of Chicago, 1996, 472 leaves.

Includes bibliographical references.

16. Rozhdestvensky, Ilya

Musical semiosis in Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita. Waltham, MA, Brandeis University, 1994, 69 leaves.

17. Sabo, Roman Andrzej

Slavic Metafiction : Witold Gombrowicz's "Ferdydurke", Mikhail Bulgakov's "Master i Margarita", and Vaclav Rezac's "Rozhrani". Ph.D. ids., University of Toronto (Canada), 1994, 268 p.

18. Singleton, Amy Catherine

No Place Like Home : the Literary Artist and Russia's Search for Cultural Identity (Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Goncharov, Evgenii Zamiatin, Mikhail Bulgakov). Ph.D. ids., Madison, University of Wisconsin, 1994.

19. Smith, Natalie Marie

The development of the Pilate figure in the works of Mikhail Bulgakov. M.A. ids., University of Texas at Austin, 1996. vi, 73 leaves.

Includes bibliographical references.

20. Solomon, Howatd Todd

Religion and Philosophy in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita: Rootsin the silver Age and Pavel Florenskii's Writings. Ph.D. ids., Lawrence, KA, University of Kansas, 1997, 288 p.

21. Thomas, Kathleen

The Procees of Identity Formation Through Transcendence in the Modern Novel (Fyodor Dostoevsky, Toni Morrison, Nadine Gordimer, E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Heller, Doris Lessing, Mikhail Bulgakov). Ph.D. ids., Florida State University, 1996, 228 p.

22. Zimmermann, Gisela

The Revolutionary and the Superfluous Man : Soviet Russian Images of Faust (Lunacarskij Anatolij, Zamjatin Evgenij, Bulgakov Mixail, Alesin Samuil, Sel'vinskij Il'ja). Ph.D. ids., Lawrence, KA, University of Kansas, 1992.



23. Abraham, Pavel

Roman "Master i Margarita" M.A. Bulgakova. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brne, 1993, 212 p. (Spisy Pedagogicke fakulty MU v Brne; sv. 44).

Includes bibliographical references p. 194-211.

24. Baum, Rob K.

Mad Messiah : Censorship and Salvation in Bulgakov's "Flight". In: Madness in Drama. (James Redmond, ed.; Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993): 137-149. (Themes in Drama, Series no.15).

25. Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty

The Uses of Witches in Fedin and Bulgakov. In: A Plot of Her Own : The Female Protagonist in Russian Literature. (Sona Stephan Hoisington, ed.; Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1995): 72-80. (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory).

26. Bethea, David M.

Bulgakov and Nabokov : Toward a Comparative Perspective. In: Zapiski russko0 akademichesko0 gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 187-209.

27. Binova, Galina

Tekhnika smekha u M. Bulgakova : Sredstva sozdaniia komicheskogo v "Rokovykh iaitsakh'. Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University: Rada Literarnevedna vol. 41, no. 39, (1992): 131-137.

28. Bottiger L.E.

Michail Bulgakov, lakare och forfattare-ett hundraarsminne. Manuskript brinner inte = Mikhail Bulgakov, physician and writer-a year of centenaries. Manuscripts do not burn. Lakartidningen [Sweden] vol. 49 (December 1991): 4269-4271.

29. Brezuleanu, Ana Maria

Gentenar Mihail Bulgacov. LA&I: Litere, Arte, Idei vol. 31 (December 9, 1991): 4-5.

30. Briker, Boris

Nakazanie v romane M. Bulgakova "Master i Margarita" : Tipologiia motiva. Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature vol. 35 no. 1 (January 1994): 1-38.

31. Bristol, Evelyn

Turn of a century : modernism, 1895-1925. In: The Cambridge History of Russian Literature. (Charles A. Moser; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992): 709-126.

32. Bulgakov : the Novelist-playwright. Luxembourg: Harwood, 1995. xvii, 249 p.: ill.; 25 cm.

33. Bulgakovskii sbornik : Materialy po istorii russkoi literatury XX veka / Tallinskii pedagogicheskii universitet. Tallinn: Universitet, 1994, 20 cm.

PG3476.B78 Z4583
34. Cartas a Stalin. [Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanas'evich]. Madrid: Griajlbo Mondadori, 1991, 109 p.: ill., ports. (El espejo de tinta).

35. Chudakova, Marietta

Pasternak and Bulgakov : The Boundary Between Two Literary Cycles. Russian Social Science Review vol. 37, no. 3 (May-June 1996): 77-97.

36. Coleman, C. B.

Soviet Dramatic Satire in the Twenties : a Critical Anthology of Three Plays by Bulgakov, Erdman and Mayakovsky. New Haven: Yale University, 1993, 296 p.

37. Cox, Stephen

The Devil's Reading list. Raritan vol. 16, no. 2 (Fall 1996): 97-111.

38. Davies, J. M. Q.

Bulgakov : Atheist or "Militant Old Believer"? : The Master and Margarita Reconsidered. Australian Slavonic and East European Studies vol. 6, no.1 (1992): 125-134.

39. Di Sora, Daniela and Lucetta Negarville

Mosca, la città del maestro. Roma : Biblioteca del vascello Distribuzione, Nuovi equilibri, 1991, 109 p. (Serendipity; 4)

Includes bibliographical references.

PG3476.B78 Z646 1991
40. Drawicz, Andrzej

Mistrz i diabel : o Michale Bulhakowie. Kraków: Znak, 1990, 376 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PG3476.B78 Z65 1990
41. Elbaum, Henry

The Evolution of the Master and Margarita: Text, Context, Intertext. Canadian Slavonic Papers vol. 37, no. 1-2 (March 1995): 59-87.

42. Ericson, Edward E.

The Apocalyptic Vision of Mikhail Bulgakov's AThe Master and Margarita@. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1991, 204 p. (Studies in Slavic language and literature; vol. 6)

PG3476.B78M3334 1991
REV: Jane Grayson. Slavonic & East European Review vol 71, iss. 1 (January 1993): 146-147.

43. Faiman, Grigorii

Poslednee "delo" Bulgakova ili "Kadry reshaiut vse". In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 263-270.

44. Fast, Piotr

"Mistrz i Malgorzata" Bulhakowa : pisarz, epoka, powiesc. Katowice: Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddz. w Katowicach, Komisja Historycznoliteracka, 1991, 35 p. (Spotkania z literatura; 8).

45. Filips-Juswigg, Katherina

Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita and Oscar Wilde's "Salome" : Motif-Patterns and Allusions. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 177-186.

46. Gasparov, Boris

No M. Bulgakova romana "Meistars un Margarita" motivu strukturas verojumiem / translated by Sarmitee Grinbalte and Maris Grinbalts. Avots vol. 8 (August 1990): 27-31; vol. 9 (September 1990): 26-31; vol. 10 (October 1990): 25-31.

47. Gerould, Daniel

Bulgakov's last decade (Curtis, J. A. E., Cambridge University Press, 1987) [book review]. Modern Drama vol. 34, (March 1991): 156-158.

48. Gillespie, David C.

The Twentieth-century Russian Novel : an Introduction. Oxford, Washington, DC.: Berg, 1996. vii, 179 p.

Includes bibliographical references p. 171-177 and index.

49. Gimpelevich-Schwartzman, Zina

Boris Pasternak: What M is out there? New York: Legas, 1990, 163 p. (Literary criticism series; 3).

Includes bibliographical references.

REV: Mikhail Pozin. Southern Humanities Review vol. 30, no. 2 (Spring 1996).

50. Gobler, Frank

Zur Bedeutung des Raums in Michail Bulgakovs Dramen "Kabala Svjatos" (Mol'er) und 'Poslednie Dni" (Puskin). Zeitschrift fár Slavische Philologie [Heidelberg] vol. 50, no. 1 (1990): 143-166.

51. Goscilo, Helena

His Master's Voice : Puskin chez Bulgakov. In: James Daniel Armstrong in Memoriam (Charles E. Gribble, ed., Richard Pope, ed., Charles E. Townsend, ed., Ronald Feldstein, ed., Cornelis van Schooneveld, ed.; Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1994): 54-66.

52. Gourg, Marianne

Mikhaïl Boulgakov, 1891-1940 : un maître et son destin : biographie en images. Paris: R. Laffont, 1992, 310 p.: ill.; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references p. 100-103 and index.

PG3476.B78 Z676 1992
53. Gutkin, Irina

Michail Bulgakov's Novella "Rokovye jajca" in the Context of Mythological Subtexts. Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature vol. 31, no. 3 (April 1, 1992): 283-296.

54. Haber, Edythe C.

Bulgakov's Nakanune Feuilletons. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 3-19.

55. Haber, Edythe C.

Bulgakov's Pushkin : Poor Knight or Poor Evgenii? In: Alexander Lipson: In Memoriam (Charles E. Gribble; Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1994), p.73-86.

PG2026 L56A4 1994
56. Haber, Edythe C.

Dwellings and Devils in Early Bulgakov. Slavic and East European Journal vol. 37 (September 1993): 326-338.

57. Haber, Edythe C.

The Lamp with the Green Shade : Mikhail Bulgakov and His Father. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 211-227.

58. Haber, Edythe C.

The Social and Political Context of Bulgakov's "The Fatal Eggs". Slavic Review vol. 51, no. 3 (Fall 1992): 497-510.

59. Hausmann, Christiane

Anderes Denken in der Sowjetunion : das "Okkulte" als positive Utopie bei Bulgakov. Frankfurt am Main: Haag + Herchen, 1990, 103 p.

Revision of the author's thesis (Magisterarbeit) presented in 1987 under the title: Das okkulte Weltbild in M. Bulgakovs Roman Master i Margarita.

PG3476.B78 Z65 1990
60. Hetenyi, Z.

Fatal Hearts of the 1920s : On Mikhail Bulgakov's The Heart of the Dog / translated by J. Crossan. Scottish Slavonic Review, XIV (1990): 181-190.

61. Hunns, Derek J.

Bulgakov's Apocalyptic Critique of Literature. Lewiston, New York.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996, 21 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PG3476.B78 M334 1996
62. Javornik, Miha

Evangelij Bulgakova : o ustvarjalnosti Mihaila Afanasjevica Bulgakova. Ljubljana: Znanstveni institut Filozofske fakultete, 1994. 225 p. (Razprave Filozofske fakultete).

PG3476.1378 Z73 1994
63. Javornik, Miha

M. A. Bulgakov - umetnost in zgodovina, fiktivno ali realno. Slavisticna Revija [Slovenia] vol. 40, no. 1 (1992): 79-101.

64. Journal confisque = Moi dnevnik [Mikhail Bulgakov] / edited by M. Gourg, translated by P. Lequesne. [Arles]: Solin, 1992, 105 p.

65. Krugovoi, George

The Gnostic Novel of Mikhail Bulgakov : Sources and Exegesis. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991. x, 316 p.; 24 cm.

PG3476.B78 Z753 1991
REV: David M. Bethea. Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 25 (1992-93): 324-327.

66. Krugovoi, George

O bunte i izmene na korable Saardamskogo Plotnika : O romane Mikhaila Bulgakova "Belaia gvardiia". In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 21-42.

67. Larsen, Susan Kirsten

"I'm an Actor, Not a Writer" : Acting and Authorship in Bulgakov's Works. Theater [New Haven, CT] vol. 22, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 40-46.

68. LeBlanc, Ronald D.

Feeding a Poor Dog a Bone : The Quest for Nourishment in Bulgakov's "Sobach'e serdtse". Russian Review vol. 52, no. 1 (January 1993): 58-78.

69. Liubin, Misha

Pravdu govorit' legko i priiatno : o iudeiskikh glavakh romana M. Bulgakova "Master i Margarita". Holyoke, MA: New England Publishing Co. Publishers of New Collector's Edition Russian books "Volshebnyi kvadrat", 1995, 59 p.: ill. (Biblioteka bibliofila).

PG3476.B78 M3345 1995
70. Longinovic, Tomislav Z.

Borderline Culture : The Politics of Identity in Four Twentieth Century Slavic Novels. Fayetteville: Univ. of Arkansas P, 1993. xiii, 197 p.

PG507.L66 1993
71. Lowe, David

Gounod's "Faust" and Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita". The Russian Review vol. 55 (April 1996): 279-286.

72. Lur'e, IA. S.

Mikhail Bulgakov between Mark Twain and Lev Tolstoi. Russian Review 50, no. 2 (April 1991): 203-210.

73. Luria, J.

Mikhail Bulgakov and Lev Tolstoi. Oxford Slavonic Papers [Oxford, England] vol. 23 (1990): 67-78.

74. Mai, Birgit

Satire im Sowjetsozialismus : Michail Soschtschenko, Michail Bulgakow, Ilja Ilf, Jewgeni Petrow. Bern, New York: P. Lang, 1993, 206 p.

Includes bibliographical references.

REV: Lesley Milne. Slavic Review vol 54, iss. 1 (Spring 1995): 244-245.

75. Mann, Robert

The Path of the Bronze Horseman in The Master and Margarita. In: Oregon Studies in Chinese and Russian Culture. (Albert Leong, ed.; New York: Peter Lang, 1990): 169- 186. (American University Studies XII: Slavic Languages and Literature, Series no. 13).

76. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. London: Bloomsbury, 1991, 306 p.

Contains extensive selections from Bulgakov's correspondence and diary, and from the diary of his wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, translated from the Russian.

PG476.B78 Z64 1991
REV: David M. Bethea. The New York Times Book Review (January 3, 1993): 3; Olga Carlisle. Book world vol. XXIII, iss. 5 (January 31, 1993); The Economist vol. 319 (June, 1991): 87; Simon Franklin. The Times Literary Supplement (May 3, 1991): 21; Jane Grayson. Slavonic & East European Review vol. 70, iss. 2 (April 1992); Harvey Pekar. Review of Contemporary Fiction vol. 13, iss. 1 (Spring 1993): 282-283; Ludmila Predneva. World Literature Today vol. 68, iss. 1 (Winter 1994): 161; Ruth M. Ross. Library Journal vol. 117 (October 1, 1992): 86; Robert Russell. Modern Language Review vol. 88 (April 1993): 542-543; Genevieve Stuttaford. Publishers Weekly vol. 239, iss. 46 (October 19, 1992): 69; N. Tittler. Choice vol. 30 (April 1993): 1319; Laura D. Weeks. Russian Review vol. 53, iss. 3 (July 1993): 419-420.

77. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. London: Harvill, 1992, 306 p.

Includes index.

78. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries/ compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1992, 306 p.

PG3476.B78 Z64 1992
79. Les manuscrits ne brulent pas : une vie a travers des lettres et des journaux intimes [M. A. Bulgakov] / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. Paris: Julliard, 1991, 354 p. (Papiers d'identite).

80. The Master and Margarita : a critical companion / edited by Laura D. Weeks. Evanston: Northwestern University Press: American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, 1996. viii, 252 p. (Northwestern / AATSEEL critical companions to Russian literature).

Includes bibliographical references p. [247]-252.

CONTENT: Barratt, Andrew. The Master and Margarita in Recent Criticism : An Overview, p. 84-97; Barratt, Andrew. Beyond Parody : The Goethe Connection, p. 113-121; Bethea, David. History as Hippodrome : The Apocalyptic Horse and Rider in The Master and Margarita, p. 122-142; Haber, Edythe C. The Mythic Structure of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, p. 164-171; Lakshin, V. M. Bulgakov's Novel The Master and Margarita, p. 3-65; LeBlanc, Ronald D. Griboedov House and the Symbolism of Eating in The Master and Margarita, p. 172-192; Proffer, Ellendea. Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita : Genre and Motif, p. 98-112; Weeks, Laura D. Houses, Homes, and the Rhetoric of Inner Space in Mikhail Bulgakov, p. 143-163.

PG3476.B78 M3354 1996
REV: Howard Solomon. Slavic & East European Journal vol. 41 (Fall 1997): 482-489.


81. Mathauser, Zdenek

Demytisovany Gogol? K filmovym scenarum M. A. Bulgakova. Svet Literatury : Casopis pro Novoveke Zahranicni Literatury [Amsterdam, Netherlands] vol. 5 (1993): 29-34.

82. McGrath, Patrick

Russian Portraits: Mikhail Bulgakov [Comments on Bulgakov's medical career]. The Paris Review vol. 37, no 137 (Winter 1995): 150-151.

83. Michail Afanas'evic Bulgakov, 1891-1991 : Text und Kontext / herausgegeben von Dagmar Kassek und Peter Rollberg. Berlin; New York: P. Lang, 1992, 172 p.

Papers presented at a conference held Feb. 1991, Leipzig, Germany, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Bulgakov's birth.

Includes bibliographical references.

PG3476.B78 Z7642 1992
REV: Marina Balina. Slavic & East European Journal vol. 38, iss. 2 (Summer 1994): 381-382.

84. Michail Bulgakov : Materialien zu Leben und Werk Kolloquium "Michail Bulgakov, der Autor, das Werk, die Zeit" / herausgegeben von Dagmar Kassek und Peter Rollberg. Leipzig: Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, 1990, 126 p. (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig Reihe Literaturwissenschaft).

Includes proceedings of the Kolloquium "Michail Bulgakov, der Autor, das Werk, die Zeit," M. Bulgakov's letters, and an interview with M.O. Chudakova.

Includes bibliographical references.

PG3476.B78 Z7643 1990
85. Michail Bulgakow : Texte, Daten, Bilder / herausgegeben von Thomas Reschke. Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1991, 185 p.: ill. (Sammlung Luchterhand ; 972).

Includes texts and letters by Bulgakov and articles by other authors.

Bibliography: pp. 183-[184].

86. Mikulasek, Miroslav

Gnosticky mytus v evoluci romanu prvni tretiny 20 stoleti : A. Belyj, H. Hesse, V. Nabokov, M. Bulgakov. Slavia: Casopis pro Slovanskou Filologii [Munich] vol. 62, no. 3 (1993): 365-370.

87. Mikulasek, Miroslav

Myslenkove a tvaroslovne enigma romanu M. Bulgakova AMistr i Marketka@. Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University: Rada jazykovedna vol. 42, no. 40, (1993): 69-81.

88. Mikulasek, Miroslav

Roman M. Bulgakova "Mistr a Marketka" a gnose. Sbornik Praci Filosoficke Fakulty Brnenske University 1989-1990 vol. 36-37 (1990): 74-78.

89. Milne, Lesley

Mikhail Bulgakov : A Critical Biography. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 324 p.

PG3476.B78 Z765 1990
REV: V.D. Barooshian. Choice vol. 29 (March 1992): 1084; Richard Borden. Russian Review vol. 53 (July 1994): 440-441; Julie Curtis. Jornal of European Studies vol. 23, iss. 91 (September 1993): 354-355; Peter Doyle. Modern Language Review vol. 87 (July 1992): 815-816; Simon Franklin. Times Literary Supplement (May 3, 1991): 21; Jane Grayson. Slavonic and East European Review vol. 69 (October 1991): 704-705; Edythe C. Haber. Slavic and East European Journal vol. 38 (Spring 1994): 181-183; Peter Rollberg. Slavic Review vol. 53 (Fall 1994): 862-865; William Scammell. Spectator vol. 266, no. 8490 (March 30, 1991): 33-34; Elena Siemens. Canadian Slavonic Paper vol. 34, iss. 3 (September 1992): 323-324.

90. Milne, Lesley

Mikhail Bulgakov : Private Thoughts of the Master. Index on Censorship vol. 20, no. 8 (Aug-Sept, 1991): 6-11.

91. Milne, Lesley

Mikhail Bulgakov : The Status of the Dramatist and the Status of the Text. In: Russian Theatre in the Age of Modernism (Robert Russell and Andrew Barratt, eds.; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990): 236-259.

92. Moravkova, Alena

Avantgardni ruska a ukrajinska groteskni dramatika : K vyvoji evropske dramaticke grotesky 20 stoleti. Slavia: Casopis pro Slovanskou Filologii [Praha] vol. 62, no. 3 (1993): 357-263.

93. Moravkova, Alena

Diaboliada - kafkiada? Slavia : Casopis pro Slovanskou Filologii [Praha] vol. 63, no. 1 (1994): 69-72.

94. Moravkova, Alena

Groteskni prvky v dile Michaila Bulgakova. Slavia: Casopis pro Slovanskou Filologii [Praha] vol. 60, no. 4 (1991): 374-379.

95. Moravkova, Alena

Krizova cesta Michaila Bulgakova. Praha: Paseka, 1996, 181 p. (Historicka pamet; sv. 5).

Includes bibliographical references.

96. Natova, Nadezhda

Bibliografiia proizvedenii Mikhaila Bulgakova : Knigi i stat'i o nem i ego tvorchestve. In: Zapiski russko0 akademichesko0 gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 279-327.

97. Natova, Nadezhda

Kommentarii k stat'e-etiudu Mikhaila Bulgakova "Griadushchie perspektivy". In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 271-278.

98. Natova, Nadezhda

Ot teksta k stsene : Povest' "Sobach'e serdtse" Mikhaila Bulgakova i ee teatral'naia interpretatsiia. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 43-131.

99. New views on Zoshchenko, Zamiatin, Bulgakov, and Pasternak. New York.: M.E. Sharpe, 1996. 102 p. (Russian studies in literature, v. 32, no. 1).

Includes bibliographical references p. 144-149.

100. The Newsletter of the Mikhail Bulgakov Society. Lawrence: The Society, 1995.

PG3476.B76 Z4586

101. Oja, Matt F.

Bulgakov's Ironic Parallel between Margarita and Afranius. Slavic Review vol. 50, no. 1 (Spring 1991): 144-149.

102. Olonova, El'vira

Faustovskaia tema i roman Mikhaila Bulgakova "Master i Margarita" : K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia pisatelia. Slavica Slovaca vol. 26, no. 2 (1991): 161-168.

103. Olsen, B.

Mikhail Bulgakov - kollega og kultforfatter. Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening : tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny raekke vol. 115, no. 30 (1995): 37-84.

104. Pagnini, Stefania Pavan

Morfologiia romana Bulgakova "Master i Margarita" kak volshebnoi skazki. Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature [Netherlands] vol. 31, no. 3 (April 1, 1992): 353-374.

105. Perlinska, Agnieszka

Whose Side Are You On, Master Bulgakov? Slavic and East European Performance vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring 1992): 13-17.

106. Pervukhina, Natalia

Notes of a Young Country Doctor : A Haven in the Limelight. Slavic and East European Journal vol. 40, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 685-699.

107. Peters, Jochen-Ulrich

Satire under Stalinism : Zoshchenko's Golubaya kniga and Bulgakov's Master i Margarita. In: The Culture of the Stalin Period (Hans Günther, ed.; Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990): 210-226.

108. Petrochenkov, Valery

Christian Patterns in Contemporary Soviet Prose. In: Christianity and Russian Culture in Soviet Society (Nicolai N. Petro, ed.; Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990): 119-142.

109. Petrovskii, M. S.

Mikhail Bulgakov : Kievskie teatral'nye vpechatleniia. In: Zapiski russko0 akademichesko0 gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 229-261.

110. Piretto, Gian Piero

Dapietroburgo a Mosca : le due capitali in Dostoevskij, Belyj, Bulgakov. Milano: Guerini studio, 1990,131 p. (Collana blu; 10).

111. Pittman, Riitta H.

The Writer's Divided Self in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, 211 p.

Includes bibliographical references p. 194-206 and index.

PG3476.B78 M3367 1991
REV: Harold D. Baker. Slavic & East European Jornal vol. 36, iss. 4 (Winter 1992): 508-510; Malcolm V. Jones. Slavonic & East European Review vol. 70, iss. 4 (October 1992): 744-745; Kevin Moss. Russian Review vol. 52, iss. 3 (Jul 1993): 420-421; E. Reissner. OSTEUROPA, vol.43, iss. 4 (1993): 401-401; E. Yarwood. Choice vol. 29, iss. 8 (April 1992): 1234.

112. Pittman, Riitta H.

The Writer's Divided Self in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan in association with St. Antony's College, Oxford, 1991, 211 p. (St. Antony's/ Macmillan series).

Includes bibliographical references p. 194-206

PG3476.B78M3367 1991b
113. Pokrovskii, Boris

O chem besedoval Voland s Berliozom : Filosofskie problemy romana Bulgakova Master i Margarita. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 143-162.

114. Proffer, Carl R.

The Widows of Russia and Other Writings. 1st paperback ed. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1992, 159 p.

CONTENT: "Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova", "Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya".

115. Radzobe, Silvija

Cik fantastisks ir Mihaila Bulgakova fantastiskais realisms. Literatura un Maksla vol. 38 (October 4, 1991): 6-7

116. Rogers, Michael

Classic Returns - The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Library Jornal vol. 120, no 14 (September 1, 1995): 213.

117. Schoeller, Wilfried F.

Michail Bulgakow : Bilder und Dokumente. Berlin: Volk & Welt, 1996, 192 p.: ill.

118. Segel, Harold B.

German Expressionism and Early Soviet Drama. In: Russian Theatre in the Age of Modernism (Robert Russell and Andrew Barratt, eds.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990): 196-218.

119. Shentalinskii, Vitalii

Arrested Voices : Resurrecting the Disappeared writers of the Soviet Regime / translated by John Crowfoot. New York: Martin Kessler Books, Free Press, 1996. x, 322 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

REV: Rena Fowler. Library Jornal vol. 121, no. 14 (September 1, 1996): 178.

120. Shneerson, Mariia

Sila mastera i bessilie vlastelina : Bulgakov i Stalin. Grani: Zhurnal Literatury, Iskusstva, Nauki i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskoi Mysli [Frankfurt am Main] vol. 167 (1993):99-145

121. Short story criticism : excerpts from criticism of the works of short fiction writers. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1995 xiii, 573 p.: photographs.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

CONTENT: Charles Baudelaire, Mikhail Bulgakov, Daphne du Maurier.

122. Smelianskii, A. M.

Is Comrade Bulgakov dead?: Mikhail Bulgakov at the Moscow Art Theatre / translated by A.L. Tait. New York: Routledge, 1993. viii, 374 p.: ill., ports.

Includes bibliography p. 349-351 and index.

PG3476.B78 Z89713 1993
REV: American Theatre, vol. 11 (July 1994): 68-69, Edvard Braun. New Theatre Quarterly vol. 11, iss. 41 (February 1995); S. Golub. Choice vol. 32 (September 1994): 125; Vera Gottlieb. Theatre Research International vol. 20 (Summer 1995): 167-168; Howard E. Miller. Library Journal, vol. 118, iss. 21 (December 1993): 129; Nicholas Rzhevsky. Slavic Review vol. 54 (Summer 1995): 442-443.

123. Smelianskii, A. M.

Is Comrade Bulgakov dead? : Mikhail Bulgakov at the Moscow Art Theatre. London: Methuen, 1993, 374p.

124. Stapanian-Apkarian, Juliette R.

Ironic "Vision" as an Aesthetics of Displaced Truth in M.Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita". In: Russian Narrative & Visual Art: Varieties of Seeing. (Roger Anderson and Paul Debreczeny, eds.; Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994): 173-200.

PG3015.5A73R87 1994
125. Strada, Vittorio

"Velikolepnoe prezren'e" : Proza Mikhaila Bulgakova. In: Literature, Culture, and Society in the Modern Age: In Honor of Joseph Frank. (Edward J. Brown, L. Fleishman, G. Freidin, R.D. Schupbach. Stanford Slavic Studies, v. 4, Part II. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 1992): 241-279.

126. Terry, Garth M.

Mikhail Bulgakov in English : a bibliography, 1891-1991. Nottingham, England: Astra Press, 1991, 30 p. (Astra Soviet and East European bibliographies, vol. no. 12).

Z8130.45.T47 1991 PG3476.B78
127. Testa, Carlo

Bulgakov's Master i Margarita : Post-Romantic Devil Pacts. Canadian-American Slavic Studies, vol. 24, no 3 (September 1990): 257-278.

128. Thompson, Lo-Ann and David Thompson

Canine classics : "The Heart of a Dog". Dog World vol. 78, iss. 5 (May 1993): 96-98.

129. Vaserstein, Tamara

K voprosu o prototipe glavnogo geroia "Doktora Zhivago". Russian Language Journal vol. 47 (December 1993): 95-105.

130. Williams, Gareth

Some Difficulties in the Interpretation of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita and Advantages of a Manichaean Approach, with Some Notes on Tolstoi's Influence on the Novel. Slavonic and East European Review vol. 68, no. 2 (April 1990): 234-256.

131. Wolffheim, Elsbeth

Michail Bulgakow. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1996, 153 p.: ill; 19 cm. (Rowohlts Monographien; 526).

Includes bibliographical references p. 148-[152] and index.

132. Wright, A. Colin

Animals and Animal Imagery in M. A. Bulgakov. Zeitschrift fur Slawistik vol. 36, no. 2 (1991): 220-228.

133. Wright, A. Colin

Christ Interrogated : Bulgakov and Others. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 163-176.

134. Yurieff, Michael

Mikhail Bulgakov on the American Stage. In: Zapiski russkoi akademicheskoi gruppy v SShA = Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the U.S.A., no. 24 (1991): 133-141.

135. Ziolkowski, Margaret

Pilate and Pilatism in Recent Russian Literature. In: New Directions in Soviet Literature: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies (Sheelagh Duffin Graham; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992): 164-181.

136. Zvezdanov, Nikolai

V sveta na "Maistora i Margarita". Sofiia: Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski", 1993, 209 p.

Includes bibliographical references p. 205-209. PG3476.B78 M339 1993



137. Ecrits sur des manchettes = The Capital in a notebook. Arles: Solin, 1992, 101 p.

138. Notatki na mankietach : wczesna proza = The Capital in a notebook. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1994, 462 p. (ABC)



139. A Country Doctor's Notebook / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Collins-Harvill, c1975,1990, 1995, 160p.



140. Diaboliad / translated by Carl Proffer with an introduction by Julie Curtis. London: Harvill,1991. xxii, 174 p. (Harvill paperbacks; 87).

141. Diaboliad, and Other Stories / edited by Ellendea Proffer and Carl R. Proffer, translated by Carl R. Proffer. 2d ed.: Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1990, 1993. xxviii, 236 p. (Ardis Russian literature series).



142. The FatalEeggs & Other Soviet Satire, 1918-1963 / edited and translated by Mirra Ginsburg. London: Quartet, 1993, 305 p. (Quartet encounters).

143. Uova fatali = The fatal eggs / translated by Mariia Olsufieva. Milano: T. Bombiani, 1990, 126 p. (I Libri di Millelibri Tascabili Bompiani. Narrativa).



144. Coeur de chien = Heart of a Dog. Paris: Ivrea, 1992, 143 p.

145. Psie serce = Heart of a Dog. Gdansk: Wydawn. Atext, 1991, 104 p.

146. Sobache Serdtse = Heart of a Dog / edited with introduction and commentary by Avril Pyman. London: Bristol Classical, 1994. xxvii, 104 p. (Russian studies).

Russian text with English critical apparatus. Bibliography: p. xxvi-xxvii.

REV: Zina Gimpelevich. Canadian Slavonic Papers vol. 36, no. 1-2 (March 1994): 228.



147. The Master and Margarita / translated by Michael Glenny; with introduction by Simon Franklin. New York: Knopf, 1992. xxvii, 446 p. (Everyman's Library).

PG3476.B78 M313 1992
148. The Master and Margarita / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Everyman's Library, 1992. xxvii, 446 p. (Everyman's Library; 66)

Originally published: London: Harvill, 1967.

149. The Master and Margarita. New York: Meridian, 1993, 1967, 384 p. (A Meridian Book).

150. The Master and Margarita / translated by Diana Burgin and Katherine O'Connor, annotations and afterword by Ellendea Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, c1993, 1995, 367 p.

PG3476.B78 M313 1993
REV: A. Navrozov. The New York Times Book Review (October 22, 1995): 32; Publishers Weekly vol. 242, no. 26 (June 26, 1995): 86; Sybil S. Steinberg. Publishers Weekly vol. 242, no. 26 (June 26, 1995): 86-87.

151. The Master and Margarita / translated by Mirra Ginsburg. New York: Grove Press, 1995. xii, 402 p.

152. The Master and Margarita / translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. London: Penguin, 1997. xix, 411 p. (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics).

153. The Master and Margarita. London: Picador, 1997, 366 p.

154. Diable! : d'apres Mikhail Boulgakov : Le maitre et Marguerite. Lausanne: L'Age d'homme, 1993, 144 p.

( Mobiles; 31)

Dramatic version of The Master and Margarita by Alain van Crugten.

155. A Master es Margarita = The Master and Margarita. Budapest: Europa, 1991, 542 p.

156. El maestro y Margarita = The Master and Margarita. Madrid: Debate, 1990. xii, 378 p. (Ultimos clasicos; 1).

157. Il Maestro e Margherita : Cristo Pilato Giuda Satana mosca anni trenta = The Master and Margarita. Milano: Garzanti Editore, 1994. xxiii, 427 p.: port. ( i grandi libri).

158. Le maitre et Marguerite = The Master and Margarita / translated by Claude Ligny. Paris: Pocket, 1994, 581 p. (Pocket)

Bibliography: p. 579-580.

159. Mikhail Bulgakov's Master & Margarita, or, The devil comes to Moscow / adapted for a theater by Jean-Claude Van Itallie; from a translation of the novel by Sergei Kobiakoff. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1995, 69 p.: ill.

PG3572.A45 M54 1995
160. Mistr a Marketka = The Master and Margarita. Praha: Odeon, 1990, 322 p. (Galerie klasiku).

161. Mistrz i Malgorzata = The Master and Margarita / translated by Irena Lewandowska and Witold Dabrowski, adopted by Andrzej Drawicz . Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1990. xxxviii, 522 p.: ill., ports. (Biblioteka narodowa. Seria II).

Bibliography: p. [lxxxiv]-lxxxviii.

162. Mistrz i Malgorzata = The Master and Margarita / translated by Irena Lewandowska and Witold Dabrowski. Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1993, 1995, 1997, 476 p.

163. Mistrz i Malgorzata = The Master and Margarita. Czarny Mag / translated by Irena Lewandowska, Witold Dabrowski and Krzyztof Tur. Warszawa: MUZA SA, 1994, 607 p. (Dziela wybrane; t. 3. Biblioteka Bestsellerow)

164. Mistrz i Malgorzata = The Master and Margarita / adopted by Andrzej Drawicz . Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Dolnoslaskie, 1995, 598 p. (Biblioteka klasyki).



165. Morphine / translated by Marianne Gourg. Paris: Solin, 1990, 80 p.



166. Black snow / adapted from the "Theatrical Novel" by Keith Dewhurst. Bath, England: Absolute Classics, 1991, 72p.

167. Black snow / adapted by Keith Reddin. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1993, 65 p.: ill.

168. Black snow : Theatrical Novel / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Collins-Harvill, 1986, 1991, 1996, 171p.

Originally published: London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1967.

169. Le roman teatral = Theatrical Novel. Paris: Actes sud, 1996, 252 p. (Domain etranger. 10-18; 1569)

170. Teatr = Theatrical Novel / adapted by Sophie Renauld. Paris: Actes sud, 1991, 61 p. (Actes sud-Papiers).

171. Teatral'nyi Roman = Theatrical Novel / edit and commentary by Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1993, 250 p.: ill. (Sobranie Sochinenii; vol. 7)



172. La Garde blanche = White Guard / translated by Claude Ligny and Laure Troubetzkoy. Paris: Pocket, 1995, 317 p.

173. Biala gwardia = White Guard. Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1992, 237 p.



174. Zoya's apartment : a tragic farce in three acts / translated by Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer. New York: Samuel French; 1991, 1996. 109 p.

PG3476.B78 Z3513 1991
175. Zoyka's apartment : a tragic farce in three acts / translated and adapted by Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer. Lyme, NH: Smith & Kraus, 1995, 1996, 128 p. (Great translations for actors series).
PG3476.B78 Z3513 1996
176. Zoja's appartement : tragische farce in drie bedrijven = Zoyka's apartment / translated by Manon Van de Water. Leiden: Plantage/G&S, 1993, 69 p. (Russisch theater; no. 6)



177. Adam et Eve : theater = Adam and Eva / translated by Bernard Noel. Creil: Dumerchez, 1993, 131 p. (Collection Skene, 1158-6095)

178. Czarny mag : rozdzialy z powiesci; Opowiadania. Bialystok: Wydawnictwo Luk, 1992, 181 p.

179. The Early Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov / translated by Carl R. Proffer and Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1990, 1995, 418 p.

180. Ecrits autobiographiques. Arles: Actes Sud, 1997, 338 p. (Babel; 293).

CONTENT: A country doctor's notebook, Morphine, The Capital in a notebook.

181. Notes on the Cuff & Other Stories / translated by Alison Rice. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1991. xix, 223 p.: ill.

PG3476.B78 A27 1991
REV: N. Tittler. Choice vol. 30 (October1992): 305; Rush Ross. Library journal no. 5 (March 15, 1992): 128; Sybil Steinberg. Publishers weekly vol. 239, no. 30 (July 6, 1992): 38; Zinovy Zinik. Times Literary Supplement, iss. 4680 (December 11, 1992): 21.

182. P'esy = Plays / edited by Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1993 (Sobranie Sochineii; vol. 5).

183. Trzy zycia : opowiadania, urywki, felietony. Bialystok: Wydawnictwo Luk, 1995, 225 p. (Biblioteka Rosyjska).

184. Six plays / translated by William Powell, Michael Glenny and Michael Earley, introduced by Lesley Milne. London: Methuen Drama, c1991, 1994. [xxiv], 416 p. (Methuen world classics).

Includes bibliographical references p. [xxiv].

CONTENT: The White Guard, Madame Zoyka, Flight, Moliere, Adam and Eve, The Last Days.

185. Great Soviet short stories. New Laurel edition. New York: Dell, 1990, 1962, xiii, 448 p.

CONTENT: Adventures of Chichikov.

186. Peace plays : two / selected and introduced by D. Lowe. London: Methuen Drama, 1990, 160 p. (Methuen new theatrescripts).

CONTENT: Adam and Eve.

187. Racconti fantastici. Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1991, 327 p. (I classici della BUR).

CONTENT: Diaboliad, The Fatal Eggs,The Adventures of Chichikov.

188. Recits d'un jeune medecin, suivis de, Morphine et Les aventures singulieres d'un docteur / translated by Paul Leguesne. Lausanne: L'Age d'homme, 1994, 156 p. (Classigues slaves).

CONTENT: A country doctor's notebook, Morphine.

189. Romans / translated by Marianne Gourg. [Paris]: Robert Laffont, 1993. cxii, 1064 p. (Bouquins).

Bibliography: p. 1059-1060.

CONTENT: The White Guard, Moliere, The Theatrical Novel, The Master and Margarita.

190. The Terrible news : Russian stories from the years following the Revolution. London: Black Spring Press, 1990, 1991: 165 p.: ports.

CONTENT: The Red crown .

191. Une seance de spiritisme / translated by Andre Cabaret. Strasbourg: Circe, 1991, 134 p.



Abraham, Pavel 23

Anderson, Roger 124

Angell, M. Max 1

Baker, Harold 111

Balina, Marina 83

Barooshian, V.D. 89

Barratt, Andrew 80, 91, 118

Basset, Antoinette M. 2

Baum, Rob K. 24

Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty 25

Bethea, David M. 26, 65, 76, 80

Binova, Galina 27

Borden, Richard 89

Bottiger, L.E. 28

Braun, Edvard 122

Brezuleanu, Ana Maria 29

Briker, Boris 30

Bristol, Evelyn 31

Brintlinger, Angela Kay 3

Brown, Edvard J. 125

Burgin, Diana 150

Cabaret, Andre 191

Carlsle, Olga 76

Checkin, Leslie Louise 4

Chudakova, Marietta 35, 84

Coleman, C. B. 36

Cox, Stephen 37

Crossan, J. 60

Crowfoot, John 119

Crugten, Alan 154

Curtis, Julie A. 47, 76, 77, 78, 79, 89, 140

D?browski, Witold 161, 162, 163

Davies, J. M. Q. 38

Debrecseny, Paul 124

Dewhurst, Keith 166

Di Sora, Daniela 39

Doyle, Peter 89

Drawicz, Andrzej 40, 161, 164

Dwyer, Frank 174, 175

Earley, Michael 184

Elbaum, Edward E. 41

Ericson, Edward E. 42

Faiman, Grigorii 43

Fast, Piotr 44

Feldstein, Ronald 51

Filips-Juswigg, Katherina 45

Fleishman, L. 125

Fowler, Margarita 5, 119

Franklin, Simon 76, 89, 147

Freidin, G. 125

Gasparov, Boris 46

Gerould, Daniel 47

Gillespie, David C. 48

Gimpelevich-Schwartzman, Zina 49, 146

Ginsburg, Mirra 142, 151

Glenny, Michael 147, 148, 168, 184

Gobler, Frank 50

Golub, S. 122

Goscilo, Helena 51

Gottlieb, Vera 122

Gourg, Marianne 52, 64, 165, 189

Graham, Sheelagh 135

Grayson, Jane 42, 76, 89

Gribble, Charles E. 51, 55

Grinbalte, Sarmitee 46

Grinbalts, Maris 46

Günter, Hans 107

Gutkin, Irina 53

Haber, Edythe C. 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 80, 89

Hausmann, Christiane 59

Hetenyi, Z. 60

Hoisington, Sona S. 25

Hunns, Derek J. 61

Itallie, Jean-Claude van 159

Javornik, Miha 62, 63

Jones, Malcolm V. 111

Kalb, Judith Ellen 6

Kassek, Dagmar 83, 84

Kobiakoff, Sergei 159

Krugovoi, George 65, 66

Lakshin, V. 80

Landy, Deborah A. 7

Larsen, Susan Kirsten 8, 67

LeBlanc, Ronald D. 68, 80

Lefsky, Bethan 9

Leguesne, Paul 64, 188

Leong, Albert 75

Lewandowska, Irena 161, 162, 163

Ligny, Claude 158, 172

Liubin, Misha 69

Lokshina, Tanya 10

Longinovic, Tomislav Z. 11, 70

Lowe, David 71, 186

Lur'e, IA. S. 72

Luria, J. 73

Mahood, Scott L. 12

Mai, Birgit 74

Mann, Robert 75

Mathauser, Zdenek 81

McGrath, Patrick 82

Mikulasek, Miroslav 86, 87, 88

Miller, Howard E. 122

Milne, Lesley 74, 89, 90, 91, 184

Moravkova, Alena 92, 93, 94, 95

Moser, Charles A. 31

Moss, Kevin 111

Natova, Nadezhda 96, 97, 98

Navrozov, N 150

Negarville, Lucetta 39

Noel, Bernard 177

O=Connor, Katherine 150

Oja, Matt F. 101

Olonova, El'vira 102

Olsen, B. 103

Olsufieva, Mariia 143

Pagnini, Stefania Pavan 104

Pekar, Harvey 76

Perlinska, Agnieszka 105

Pervukhina, Natalia 106

Peters, Jochen-Ulrich 107

Petro, Nicolai N. 108

Petrochenkov, Valery 108

Petrovskii, M. S. 106

Pevear, Richard 152

Piretto, Gian Piero 110

Pittman, Riitta H. 111, 112

Pokrovskii, Boris 113

Pope, Richard 51

Popovich-Semeniuk, Maria 13

Powell, William 184

Pozin, Mikhail 49

Prager, Valerie 14

Predneva, Ludmila 76

Proffer, Carl R. 114, 140, 141, 179

Proffer, Ellendea 80, 141, 150, 171, 179, 182

Pyman, Avril 146

Radzobe, Silvija 115

Reddin, Keith 167

Redmond, James 24

Reissner, E. 111

Renauld, Sophie 170

Reschke, Thomas 85

Rice, Alison 181

Richmond, Steven David 15

Rogers, Michael 116

Rollberg, Peter 83, 84, 89

Ross, Ruth M. 76, 181

Rozhdestvensky, Ilya 16

Russell, Robert 76, 91, 118

Rzhevsky, Nicolas 122

Sabo, Roman Andrzej 17

Saunders, Nicholas 174, 175

Scammell, William 89

Schoeller, Wilfried F. 117

Schooneveld, Cornelis van 51

Schupbach, R.D. 125

Segel, Harold B. 118

Shentalinskii, Vitalii 119

Shneerson, Mariia 120

Siemens, Elena 89

Singleton, Amy Catherine 18

Smelianskii, A. M. 122, 123

Smith, Natalie Marie 19

Solomon, Howard Todd 20, 80

Stapanian-Apkarian, Juliette R. 124

Steinberg, Sybil S. 150, 181

Strada, Vittorio 125

Stuttaford, Genevieve 76

Tait, A.L 122

Terry, Garth M. 126

Testa, Carlo 127

Thomas, Kathleen 21

Thompson, David 128

Thompson, Lo-Ann 128

Tittler, N. 76, 181

Townsend, Charles. E. 51

Ttoubetzkoy, Laure 172

Tur, Krzyztof 163

Vaserstein, Tamara 129

Volokhonsky, Larissa 152

Water, Manon Van de 176

Weeks, Laura D. 76, 80

Williams, Gareth 130

Woleffheim, Elsbeth 131

Wright, A. Colin 132, 133

Yarwood, E. 111

Yurieff, Michael 134

Zimmermann, Gisela 22

Zinik, Zinovy 181

Ziolkowski, Margaret 135

Zvezdanov, Nikolai 136



Amsterdam 81

Ann Arbor 114, 141, 150, 181

Arles 64, 137, 180

Austin 19

Basingstoke 91, 107

Bath 166

Berlin 83, 117

Bern 74

Bia»ystok 178, 183

Boulder 108

Brno 23, 27, 87, 88

Budapest 155

Cambridge 24, 47

Chapel Hill 1

Chicago 15

Columbus 51, 55

Creil 177

Dana Point 171, 179, 182

Detroit 121

Evanston 25, 80

Fayetteville 70

Frankfurt am Main 59, 85, 120

Gainesville 124

Gdansk 145

Hamburg 131

Heidelberg 50

Holyoke, MA 69

Iowa 11

Ithaca 4

Krakow 40, 138

Katowice 44

Lanham 65

Lausanne 154, 188

Lawrence 20, 22, 100

Leiden 176

Leipzig 83, 84

Lewiston 42, 61

Ljubljana 62

London 76, 77, 123, 139, 140, 142, 146, 148, 152, 153, 168, 184, 186, 190

Luxemburg 32

Lyme, NH 175

Madison 3, 9, 18

Madrid 34, 156

Manitoba 5

Milan 110, 143, 157, 187

Munich 86

New Haven 8, 36, 67

New York 31, 49, 61, 74, 75, 83, 89, 99, 111, 118, 119, 122, 147, 149, 151, 159, 167, 174, 185

Nottingham 126

Ottawa 13

Oxford 48, 73, 112

Paris 52, 79, 144, 158, 165, 169, 170, 172, 189

Praha 92, 93, 94, 95, 160

Rome 39

Sacramento 12

Sofiia 136

Stanford 6, 125

Strasbourg 176, 191

Tallin 33

Toronto 17

Waltham 7, 10, 16

Warszawa 162, 163, 173

Washington 48

Woodstock 78

Wroclaw 161, 164



1962 185

1967 148, 149, 168

1975 139

1986 168

1987 47, 53

1990 11, 13, 40, 49, 50, 59, 60, 73, 75, 84, 88, 89, 91, 107, 108, 110, 118, 127, 130, 139, 141, 143, 156, 160, 161, 165, 179, 185, 186, 190

1991 5, 26, 28, 29, 34, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 54, 57, 65, 66, 67, 72, 76, 79, 83, 85, 89, 90, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 126, 132, 133, 134, 140, 145, 155, 166, 168, 170, 174, 181, 184, 187, 190, 191

1992 7, 12, 22, 27, 31, 38, 52, 53, 58, 63, 64, 65, 76, 77, 78, 83, 89, 104, 105, 111, 114, 125, 135, 137, 144, 147, 148, 173, 178, 181

1993 1, 8, 9, 14, 23, 24, 36, 42, 56, 65, 68, 70, 74, 76, 81, 86, 87, 89, 92, 111, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129, 136, 141, 142, 149, 150, 154, 162, 167, 171, 176, 177, 182, 189

1994 3, 16, 17, 18, 30, 33, 51, 55, 62, 76, 83, 89, 93, 122, 124, 138, 146, 157, 158, 163,184, 188

1995 4, 10, 25, 32, 41, 69, 74, 82, 100, 103, 116, 121, 122, 139, 150, 151, 159, 162, 164, 172, 175, 179, 183

1996 2, 6, 15, 19, 21, 35, 37, 48, 49, 61, 71, 80, 95, 99, 106, 117, 119, 131, 168, 169, 174, 175

1997 20, 80, 152, 153, 162, 180


Популярность: 6, Last-modified: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 18:09:11 GmT