 Origin: http://www.freechess.org/WWWinfo/addresses.html

       The  Internet Chess Servers are services providing you a
means for playing chess with a wide range of players, both  human
and  machine,  from  around the world. The following lists
give both the server names and telnet IP numbers for the  sites
for chess servers.

To connect to a chess server:
  telnet  5000  [most servers use the 5000 port;
                                 use a different port if necessary]

Main sites maintained by the same group of admins:

  AICS: chess.onenet.net 5000       ( 5000)   Main US server
        fics.onenet.net 5000
  EICS: eics.daimi.aau.dk 5000      ( 5000)  Main EURO server

Other national sites:

  BICS: crocus.warwick.ac.uk 5000      ( 5000)   Britain
 CrICS: fly.cc.fer.hr 7890             ( 7890)    Croatia
  DICS: dics.dds.nl 5000               ( 5000)     Holland
 FrICS: chess.eerie.fr 5000            ( 5000)       France
  GICS: chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de 5000   ( 5000)     Germany
MaxICS: callisto.si.usherb.ca 5000     ( 5000)    Canada
  MICS: wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 5000     ( 5000)     Mid-east
 MEWIS: chess.mds.mdh.se 5555          ( 5555)  Wild-only
  SICS: chess.mds.mdh.se 5000          ( 5000)  Sweden
UCHICS: cipres.cec.uchile.cl 5000      ( 5000)     Chile
 UMICS: chess.aaum.pt 5000             ( 5000)   Portugal
  ZICS: ics.interdomain.net.au 5000    ( 5000)     Australia
        mezquite.iico.uaslp.mx 5000    ( 5000)     Mexico
        fics.infcom.it 5000            ( 5000)       Italy
        cygnus.csa.iisc.ernet.in 5000  ( 5000)     India

    Alternative sites:

chess.net 5000 ( 5000) Boston, MA, US chess.pitt.edu 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US coot.lcs.mit.edu 5000 ( 5000) Test server only getnet.com 4000 ( 4000) Phoenix, AZ, US gsi.gsini.net 5000 ( 5000) Rockaway, NJ, US rogue.coe.ohio-state.edu 5000 ( 5000) Columbus, OH, US WMUics yakko.cs.wmich.edu 5000 Kalamazoo, MI, US

    Internet Chess Club (commercial chess server):

chessclub.com 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US chess.lm.com 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US

    Other chess-related servers:

nebin.eurecom.fr 5000 ( 5000) FisheRandom Chess Server

    * Other useful locations *


URL: http://chess.onenet.net/chess/ URL: http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~danke/fics.html URL: http://www.zone.com/


fics.onenet.net ( [main FICS ftp site] -OR- chess.onenet.net ftp.math.uni-hamburg.de ( ftp.daimi.aau.dk [for timeseal files for use on EICS] ftp.mds.mdh.se [some of the files are in /pub/chess]

    Connection information

To connect to a chess server: telnet 5000 [most servers use the 5000 port; use a different port if necessary] To connect to an anonymous ftp server: ftp (at LOGIN type: ftp [or anonymous] at PASSWORD type: your_email_address) To connect to a www location: use your web browser (such as lynx or netscape) and go to the URL address [Last modified: June 4, 1997 -- Friar / June 9, 1997 -- Dado] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ïîïóëÿðíîñòü: 51, Last-modified: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 16:54:43 GmT