 By David S. Touretzky
 April 24, 2001
 Origin: TechTV Zones > The Screen Savers > Show & Tell

If you've been falsely accused of breaking copyright law, you can
defend yourself.

     One of  the  favorite tools of cults and  corporations seeking to  take
embarrassing information  off the Internet is  to  falsely  claim  copyright
violation.  The Digital  Millenium Copyright Act, enacted in 1998, set out a
notification  procedure  that can  be  used to  request that  an  ISP remove
allegedly infringing material from a webpage.

     However,  there is  a  defense  against  this  attack:  It's  called  a
"counter-notification  letter." Most  people don't  know how to write such a
letter, which is why I've put together this helpful example.

 Origin: http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/showtell/jump/0,23009,3323990,00.html

Dear Internet Service Provider:

This letter is written in response to your notification to me of a complaint received about my webpage(s). The pages in question are:

(insert list of URLs here).

The complainant's claim of copyright violation should be rejected because (please see all checked items):

David S. Touretzky is a principal scientist in the Computer Science Department and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon University.

Популярность: 34, Last-modified: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 07:39:30 GmT