 |                                                                            |
 |   Trained By : WiDGET                     Release Date : 16 December 1994  |
 |    Game Type : KiCKASS ARCADE/ADVENT.      Game Rating : 9/10              |
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 |  And here we are again after a littl' period of just doing nothing but     |
 |  leeching (thanks to pharao and big balls), shit happened in the scene     |
 |  and even when you read both sides of the story (i'd like to refer to      |
 |  genesis.nfo of blackthorne for one side) you have to come to the          |
 |  conclusion that something wrong happened in razor. Since nobody reads     |
 |  nfo files included with trainers anyways i'll stop this shit. Just        |
 |  aint happy with group politics. We'll see what the future brings.....     |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Back to real life, didnt bother counting the options coz there only TWO!  |
 |  Well that is, i think its two but i know a lot of trainer coders who      |
 |  would easilly have released it as +9 but that just sucks.                 |
 |  Okay so here we go : energy has been trained so just confront all the     |
 |  bad boiz (Copyright DD'94 - hi there) and blow them away. Second          |
 |  option is an item trainer, you have 8 item slots on the right side        |
 |  of the screen so there you go ONE option! The item values range from      |
 |  0 to 10 for:     0 - unused          6 - levitator                        |
 |                   1 - keyhole         7 - bridge key                       |
 |                   2 - iron key        8 - remote wasp                      |
 |                   3 - switch          9 - bridge control                   |
 |                   4 - heal potion    10 - fire bomb                        |
 |                   5 - hover bomb                                           |
 |                                                                            |
 |  Dont bother writing it down coz i included the same list at the end       |
 |  of the options. Just change to value of a slot and your item is set.      |
 |  If you wanna have hover bombs available all the time, just toggle it      |
 |  and thats fixed too. Last part of this stupid cq boring nfo, the level    |
 |  codes:      STRT     TJ1F     PBKT                                        |
 |              SJ5Z     GSG3     TNLQ                                        |
 |              DBQ7     BMHS     FMWY <--- END SEQUENCE                      |
 |              FBWC     Y4DJ                                                 |
 |              QP7R     HCKD     Its very likely i made                      |
 |              WJTV     NRLF     some mistakes in typing                     |
 |              RRYB     JGBZ     these levelcodes so if i                    |
 |              ZS9P     MJXG     did just take a hexlister                   |
 |              XJSN     K3CH     and view the end of BTHORN.EXE              |
 |              CGDM     L8VJ     Thats all.                                  |

        Arrow UP     : Climb Ledge (if there is a ledge)
                     : Talk to the prisoners
                     : Hide in shadows

        Arrow DN     : Crouch
                     : Pick-up Items

        Arrow LEFT   : Move / Face Left
        Arrow RIGHT  : Move / Face Right
        []           : Scroll through Inventory
        PageUp/PageDn: Scroll through Inventory
        E            : Use selected Item from Inventory
        S            : Draw or holster weapon

        F or SPACE   : W/ Gun  - Fire Gun
                     : W/O Gun - Jump

        D            : W/ Gun  - Shoot backward
                     : W/O Gun - Run


Популярность: 37, Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GmT