CCEdit Revision History NOTE: ccedit is based on the English language version of C&C. Version 1.0 Never released to the public. Version 1.1 Added the infantry units and allows editing of the weapon payload. Version 1.2 Included the rest of the available weapons. New weapons added are: sniper's rifle, pistol, bio-weapon, 120mm cannon from the mammoth tank, the gunboat missle, napalm bomb and incendiary missle. There are now a total of 22 weapons. The two unidentified weapons were not included (types 0x17 and 0x18). They had no sound or graphics - I think they are associated with the tiberium. Version 1.3 Allowed editing of hit points for both structures and units. This will probably be the last update unless I have stuffed up my code somewhere. Revision 1 Allowed editing of the commando's weapons and cost. Version 1.4 This version now supports patch level 1.08a. Now also allows editing of tech levels (I hope); the vision radius of units; the armour type of vehicles; and which side owns various units and structures. Also added most of the other units for editing. Added the ability to stealth any vehicle, and to choose how many times a vehicle/structure fires its weapon. Revision 1 Added an extra class ("cannot be built") to ownership. Revision 2 Fixed a bug where the humm-vee couldn't be stealthed. Make sure you change the stealth value of the humm-vee (with the previous version) to 'no' before getting rid of the previous version of ccedit. Revision 3 Not enough new stuff added to warrant the 1.5 label. Now you can edit some stuff to do with the A-10 and also the number of shots the orca and apache have. Made it so that values that have been changes (ie. are not equal to the default value) are highlighted. Revision 4 Fixed the bug where buildings could have too many hit points which resulted them in not getting built. Andrew Griffin (
Популярность: 6, Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GmT