Vadim Kirpichev (
GOD DOES NOT EXIST ( Scientific Proof)
¿ Vadim Kirpichev, 2003
Substitution of atheistic rhetoric by a formal proof. A trivial
conclusion of Gods nonexistence is proved on the basis of Amorology (science
exploring love) with the help of the equation of love. A positive outline
for future activities for Russians is presented. Transfer from Noosphere to
Noouniverse. Absolute materialism as intellectual Freudism, dialectic
materialism and Russian cosmism integrator.
Key words: Love, Happiness, God, Love equation.
Neo-Freudiam model of human psyche serves as a basis for a proof of
Gods nonexistence. This model in its turn serves as the basis of a science
studying love - Amorology. An equation of love produces quantitative
results. Definition of God is given with the help of a new notion - sartu
(striving for happiness).
God is defined through sartu and existence. Universalism of the formula
of God leads to considering religious theory and practice as arrived to
total expenditure, while the principle of non-multiplying of entities - to
complete exclusion of the very existence of God.
Sketch development of dialectic materialism theory and existential
focus for future humankind. Negation of the necessity to choose between a
fairy tale and negative world outlook.
Scientific and moral proof of nonexistence of an absolute monotheistic
God beyond Nature.
"How happy is the Man
Who grasped the causes
Of all existing things"
Vergilius, Georgics
1. Necessity of a proof. Doubt as a crumbling foundation of Faith.
2. Scheme of the proof.
3. The proof.
3.1. Basic Amorology.
3.2. Equation of Love.
3.3. Equation of God.
3.4. Implementing the Occams Razor.
3.5. God does not exist.
4. Job for the Creator.
5. Dostoyevskys fork. Is sincere faith possible? Godlike Humanity.
6. An Absolute Testament.
6.1. Faith in Aimer. Outline.
6.2. An Absolute Commandment.
Comparison, symbol -
Everything lasts but a minute.
Aims at Infinity
Through the attainment,
Through the atonement
In final Truth.
Eternal femininity
Attracts us to it.
I.Goethe. Faustus
1. Necessity of a proof. Doubt as a crumbling foundation of Faith.
In a globalized world a notion of God turns dangerous. World became too
crowded, and traditional religions presume that there are values higher than
human life. Are there? Earth is too small for religious fanatics.
Faith is fed by doubt. People believe things which are impossible to
check and prove conclusively.
In monotheistic tradition the existence of God never was evident. Thus
five proofs of Gods existence by Aquinas and a whole multitude of similar
attempts by other theologians and philosophers. Thomas Fidel stated that the
existence of God is not evident for the mind but can be proved. We shall try
to prove the contrary - that nonexistence of God is evident and can be
2. Scheme of the proof.
We shall build the proof by analogy to the known proof of nonexistence
of the heat-agent and ether.
A certain model of existing reality is built. An assertion is made that
such a model scientifically explains all known facts.
With the help of Occams Razor all extra entities are cut off. In this
manner the kinetic theory of heat made redundant the idea of the heat-agent,
and the theory of relativity - that of ether.
3. The proof.
3.1. Basic Amorology.
No one can call
Love by its true name.
Silently blows this wind
Staying dumb and invisible.
Robert Burns
What is Love? Is it possible that throughout five thousand years
starting from the first texts of the period Uruk III-Djemdet-Nasr none of
the great scholars managed to get at the core of the matter? Incredible. It
should be evident in the brilliant light of Truth which would brighten up
our petty minds as soon as we wipe the dust of ages from ancient volumes and
imbibe from the deepest well of wisdom - and we shall praise the wise men of
yore and scorn our own shallowness.
To augment this brilliance well take only a liberty to pair the great
thinkers. Let us introduce a tint of competitiveness to dramatize the
situation and watch the rounds between them trying to judge the weight of
whose arguments is the most conclusive.
Let us sit closer to the ropes.
"To love deeply is to forget oneself"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"True essence of love is in ... finding your true self and to master
"Love turns us blind".
Lopez de Vega
"Love is not blind for an advanced person"
"To love is to find ones happiness in the happiness of the other"
G. Leibnitz
"To love is to know that a person wishes and does to you only well"
"Love is the most curious and forgivable of all human weaknesses"
Charles Dickens
"Which wedge, which hammer can be compared to the force of love?
Nothing can withstand its power"
Henry Thoreau
"Deep love follows with necessity deep mind"
"Love often takes the mind away from the one who has it..."
Denis Diderot
"Love conquers all, let us be obedient to its power"
"I dethrone love because negate its monarchial power"
"Love is the creator of everything kind, noble, strong, warm and fair"
"Only the low, rude and dirty mind indeed may constantly get busy its
curiosity by circling around the beauty of female body"
"It is in loves power to change a person beyond recognition"
"Only love is capable to make you truly yourself"
It can be easily seen that each paired phrase contradicts another which
means that throughout five thousand years the greatest human minds were not
able to produce a consistent definition of love. One can only wonder - what
did they spend all this time on?
So there is no retreat - we have to undertake the toil of the
centuries. Ten minutes will be quite enough, I presume.
The key question will be - what is loves denominator? What does it
correlate to or associated with? Here wisdom of the centuries really comes
to our help - well just cite the most representative phrases:
"Happy in the one who is in power of love"
"What a great happiness is to love and be loved"
"The biggest happiness in life is to be sure that you are loved"
"The greatest happiness possible for a person - Love"
You couldnt have missed the inseparable satellite of love, its eternal
companion. Happiness is the main correlate of love.
But what is the happiness itself? An emotion? Way of life? Process?
Aim? Aspiration, as written in the American constitution? Plucked string
heard in the mist? Girls laughter in the blooming garden?
The harder we try to pinpoint it - the more effectively it evades
definition, inhabiting various domains.
Eclectic entities are convenient for manipulation but not for work.
Multifarious meanings are shallow if considered for practical use. That is
why we include "happiness" into a mythological vocabulary without longer
doubts and turn to real emotions. Where is the source of striving for
happiness? Where does the wish to meet wonder around the next corner come
from? What makes us tremble on a dark path in the park in anticipation of
something wonderful and amazing? The answer is evident - our wishes, or, to
be exact, their extra quality which very rarely meets fulfillment.
Attention! Here is punktum saliens, the trembling point. Only a
hyperwish, extra striving of the soul switches a halo above the subject
marking proximity of happiness.
When we yawn and distractedly reach for an aplle the soul is silent,
but if somebody slaps our lazy hand - the forbidden fruit can pull all our
attention and become more desirable than all the riches in the world. Here
is a complicated mechanism at work in our soul which we shall call by a
single word - sartu.
Sartu is the word which explains the world of love.
What is truth? An absolute lie. What is sartu? Saru (striving for
happiness) is the process of converting the excessive wishes (hyperwishes)
into anticipation of emerging world positively oriented towards a person,
the world without dialectics and negative feedback.
A new word "sartu" is necessary to mark the new content of ancient
We can also express the striving for happiness as looking for a
miracle, anticipation of Eden, or - simpler - sartu is a mechanism of
turning the excessive, unreal for the moment wishes into anticipation of the
positive ego-oriented boundless world devoid of dialectics and negative
Sartu is an amazing Natures oven melting hyperwishes into anticipation
of a fairy tale. Sartu is an immortal Botticelli who paints with the help of
boiling hormones amazing pictures which in their turn well up to the
conscious level as anticipation of wonder.
Why is it so?
Souls strivings are myopic, linear, infinite and egoistic. The world is
wide, multidimensional, limited and indifferent. Sartu pictures destiny as
sunny way to heavens but earthly paths are often very narrow and uneven.
Black and white stripes are constantly alternating in the world whereas
sartu whereas sartu makes us see it from under a rainbow, peaks and
depressions of future weekdays cardiogram are considered a steady rise,
filled with wonderful adventures, towards a shining mountaintop.
Soul is an instrument to measure the tension of the other worlds
magnetic fields.
Without sartu, the oven melting the ore of base desires, people would
have had only pitiful existence. Aspiring to get to the stars but with
feeble muscles, having infinite desires but utterly lazy, wishing to reach
eternal life with a heavy bag of sins, to be worldwide famous while boasting
but very moderate talents, having added only a farthing to the native
countrys wealth to pour all ones money into a fat account in a Swiss bank -
what could a person reach without the healing power of amazing sartu?
Without such a press capable of wielding any swords into golden ploughshares
and preparing the ground for happiness the impossible desired would have had
simply burnt out your soul.
And now we are approaching love again to catch its shimmering essence
into the net of sartu. There is soul with hyper-desires and sartu -
transcription mechanism of these desires. What is lacking? Just the object
to focus the celestial fire at. God, fame, money, family, nation, power,
man, woman - destiny is fanning the deck as a skillful card-sharper, you are
welcome to stake, ladies and gentlemen!
May be love is a process of sartu focusing? Can it be so that the
previous phrase solves the centuries-old mystery?
If we assume it is true well immediately stop at the next problem. How
sartu is focused? What is the mechanism to aim the striving to happiness and
to hold it focused? Nothing much to think of, really. Such mechanism of
capturing sartu expectations and keeping them focused are very well known.
Their names are inseparably tied with Love - they are Hope and Faith.
Hope clings to sartu qualities of the object, its ideal qualities and
focuses sartu. Faith hold the focus and prevents the subject to fly to
another flower.
Hope starts always from a word, nice picture, a promise. It is quite
enough for to create hyperwish. But Faith needs deeds because it works with
a weakened, satisfied wish and has to compensate for it by vigorous
imitation of sartu environment (by miracles, offerings, gifts, creating
But let us suppose that the object got tired of such imitation, stopped
generating the ideal reality because it is always great effort - and the
first step to the loves end is done. Faith falters, focus shifts from time
to time, but the feeling is far from spent.
Optimal hormonal balance is reluctant to peter out, Hope strains to
maintain it, clutches at any phantom, any ghost and mirage which helps to
anchor the aim and to hold the focus. Then the last mirage fades, focus is
totally lost and love comes to the end. Hope ceases to hold it, being itself
indication of its decline.
Circle is finished. The soul sees, consciousness certifies that the
object of love has lost all ideal sartu qualities. Faith has died. Hope to
reach happiness is extinguished. And the burnt soul berths in stillness as
dried soil awaiting new life-giving showers, new disturbances, powerful
hyperwishes. And if after such a shower a new sartu-charged object crosses
ones way capable to give promises and maintain the level of promise - the
focusing of sartu can happen again. The world will again appear glittering
with Botticellis colours. Or not. Then the human lot is pitiful. Devoid of
focus, unable to find aim in the entire Universe, burdened with everyday
worries, hastened ahead by trivial needs you will trudge towards other
people. And they will meet you with hateful yells.
It is time to sum up. No matter who or where asks us about love, even
in the middle of the night, we can not be taken unawares. Be it the love to
money, God, woman, man or whatever - it is the aimed at a certain object
Love is the focused sartu.
Laws of Human Attraction
The next step is to check harmony by algebra. It is not enough to
define love in the sphere of humanities (Physicists still consider
humanitarians just people yielding to the temptation to abandon themselves
to lyrical feelings, demonstrating but various stages of ignorance in "real"
sciences). That is why well try to formulate our findings in the form of an
equation, or rather a system of equations. Because there are always two
equations capable to describe love: the first is a description of Love-Hope,
and the second - Love-Faith.
Love-Faith is always trivial and basically uninteresting, that is why
well pay maximum attention to the main equation of Love-Hope.
3.2. Equation of Love Updating Freud
We can not do without Freud. We shall use the state of art elements of
human psyche, accepted by modern science: Ego, Id and Superego.
Allow me to remind basic categories.
"Ego" is a domain of consciousness, the intermediary between the
unconscious ("Id") and out-lying reality, including social structural
elements which coordinate human unconscious with a concrete reality,
expediency and necessity. "Ego" is an unhappy servant of two masters,
darting between "Id" craving pleasures and strict commandments regulating
family life, that of society and civilization.
"Id" inhabits the domain of the unconscious attractions; it is psychic
"core" of a person, the level of vague cravings, and the source of energy
which moves all human activities.
"Superego" is conscience integrated into ones personality. The highest
court which judges according to the norms formed at the inter-personal
level. Moral censorship, an intermediary between unconscious drives and
consciousness, settling conflict between which couldnt have been solved
without such interference. Conscious mind leans on its support when Ids
drives turn too insistent and going too far apart from cultural and social
Correcting the Freuds mistake we are adding as a separate element
Intellect, without which all Freudian psychic organization remains "psychics
below the waist".
The quality of consciousness we shall consider as equal counterpart to
its form.
World Law of Human Attraction. Equation of Love.
L= V (Id)* I (Ego)/ ó(Intellect) - N (Superego)
L - power of Love
V - extent of Ids excitement, power of the excited unconscious,
hormonal push
I - ideal component of the real object, extent of sartu, the level of
correlation of the real object to our aesthetic ideals and personal sartu
C - coefficient of Intellect
N - negative component of the moral Superego, the left uncovered
properties of the object which are contrary to the religious, social, race,
national and other prejudices and prohibitions.
Let us remember the origins of Superego. Such as the traces left by
fathers belt on ones tender behind.
To our regret there is no place enough to include neither the lemma of
equality which brought us to the present form of the equation, not the
details of the equations deduction. It is a subject for a separate book.
Look again at the equation - it is an outline of the immortal human
soul. Having a formula let us make a first calculation.
Calculating the power of Romeos love towards Juliet
Here is estimation.
Let us assume that each value is measured in points from 1 to 10.
V (Id) for Romeo can be estimated as 10, considering hypersexuality of
his age and Southern temper.
I (Ego) - approximation to an ideal, Juliets extent of sartu for him is
also 10.
C (Intellect) = 4. Romeos IQ was clearly quite average, 80-90 points of
usual scale.
N (Superego) = 7. Blood feud, hate did not manage to engulf the youths
soul entirely.
L = 10*10/4 - 7 = 18
Romeo loved Juliet with the power of 18 points. Under stresses, when C
drastically diminishes, Love grew stronger of course, which led to a final
The same equation can be used to calculate Love to God.
3.3. Equation of God Ive seen a lot of this, this very world,
A fool would be the one, who dreams the one beyond,
Would think to meet ones double there
And spends his life in the pursuit of ghost.
Stand firmly on thy feet and exercise your talents.
Cease building the Eternity in Heaven!
This very world speaks multitude of tongues!
I.Goethe "Faustus"
Thus Spake History
Continuing the Encyclopaedists tradition the 19th Century has answered
in the question "What is God", general form. It firmly placed machines
everywhere and led to the fore of the historical stage a proud man. After
the emotional negation of God by Encyclopaedists, moving through the Faustus
ideal - a free man on free land - Nietzsche arrived at his sacramental "God
is dead". Great power of Marxism worked to a large extent to make this idea
to take root in the enlightened minds. But the 20th century very quickly
cooled youthful ardor and showed that Smerdyakovs in absence of higher
Authority are capable of unpronounceable deeds, which made again the world
agree with usefulness of religions, notwithstanding the fact that they very
often represent a symbiosis of happy clever priests and foolish unhappy
And a person looking for an intellectual truth is still darting between
two mirrors: on the one hand there is Nietzsche with his "God is dead", on
the other - Merezhkovsky and Solzhenitsyn with their "people have forgotten
God, which led to all ills in the world".
Approaching the Equation of God
What can absolute materialism say about God? At first sight the
problem of God falls into two parts: God the Creator and God the Consoler,
God the Physicist and God the Lyric, God - Creator of the Universe and God
accepting our prayers. When Einstein was speaking about God he was thinking
about the Creator of the Universe and its laws. When an illiterate and
hapless peasant woman is speaking about God, she is speaking about the
master of Eden. But there is practically no difference between them, really.
And Einstein does not differ in this aspect from the peasant woman.
Another example. It is common knowledge that one of the conditions of
Prince Vladimir taking the Byzantine princess Ann as his wife was accepting
of Christianity in Russia, not the first condition though. One can assume
that if Vladimir could have been drawn by another dame we could have lived
with a different faith. But such an assumption doesnt stand criticism
because we know from the Annals what was the advantage of Christianity over
pagan beliefs for our ancestors. The Christian God logically and with
consolation answered two main questions of the mind and soul: how was the
world created and what will a person encounter after death.
Two Main Human Existances
There can be no atheists in the trench.
Time came to remember the definition of sartu. It is transformation of
our wishes impossible to be fulfilled here and now into the dreams of a
world, positively oriented towards a person, without dialectics and negative
feedback, where one pleasure is followed by another instead of hangover,
delights never dull and all our wishes come true absolutely free.
What have we described just now? Absolute happiness which can be
delivered only by an Absolute. God is distilled sartu, placed by a dream
beyond clouds. An attentive reader may ask: you say "Love is sartu", "Beauty
is sartu", "God is sartu". What is the difference?
Existance. Here is the answer. Existance... If sartu in charged with
existential force , if a person tries to solve an extremely important
problem, such as the problem of life and death, and contradictions pull him
apart, then existence begins to push at the denominator in the equation so
heavily and to blow numerator to such proportions that it becomes possible
to believe in anything.
God = Sartu + Existance
Here is a simple and clear equation of God. The nature of existential
problem does not matter - be it a necessity to understand the reason of the
Universe or ordinary grief. This makes grieving peasant woman and Einstein
equal before the sartu mechanism, but the origin of their problems urging
them to seek Absolute is different: ontological for the peasant woman,
epistemological for the scientist. One can not but admire the universal
mechanism of sartu which may find specific way of consolation for any
problem. Einsteins existance leads him to wish for an understandable reason
explaining the world he investigates, to believe in wisdom of physical laws.
It might explain "strange" religious utterances of some distinguished
Basic intellectual existance consists in the wish to get at the reason
of all Universe , this wish evolved from the cause-and-consequence structure
of human thinking, as well as need for wisdom and reliability of cognition.
Basic ontological existance is dread of death, wish of eternal life for
oneself and ones relatives.
God is an Absolute designed to console both our existances. God is an
arm shake between mind and soul.
Two main proofs of Gods existence of Thomas Aquinas are based just on
the abovementioned types of existance.
Again it will be timely to remember our ancient Annals and the story of
Russias Christianization. Our ancestors preferred Christianity because it
answered in a very simple and consoling way two main questions: What is the
reason of this World? What will become with us after death? Both questions
were answered by Christianity in compliance with human natures sartu, which
satisfied both Einsteins of the time and common people.
3.4. Implementing the Occams Razor. Equation of Love exhaustively
explains why the monotheistic religions managed to conquer others in the
long run. Ancient prophets understood quite clearly the critical role of
reason in faith. With intellect as the denominator and skeptical experience
of the humankind as the numerator only an absolute devoid of properties is
capable to mask its fairy-tale essence.
Monotheism was suggested as a great answer to the eternal skepticism of
the mind in the 15-12 centuries B.C. God was put out of the brackets of
Nature and shielded from the attacks of experience and intellect. The next
step was to get God rid of all the properties putting Him out from the
critical bout.
NaÐf Greek polytheism being too burdened with earthly qualities (mount
Olympus) could not stand widening of Ecumen and the sphere of human
interference with Nature. Monotheism stood its ground mainly due to removing
the object of sartu focusing out of reach - beyond Nature and Universe. But
it is high time to penetrate there too.
Equation of Love and equation of God exhaust emotional, psychological
side of religion and provide for its possibility. Social practice of
religions can be explained by their stabilizing and conserving role in the
society. Thus it is proved: there is no God beyond the existential sartu.
God is within soul. More precisely it is sartu focusing of the existence
towards the mentally conceivable absolute object. Depending on climatic,
national, geographical, political and other conditions ruling elite chooses
the concrete absolute object for the people to focus their sartu.
We described the sartu model of human psychology. Equation of Love
(including love to God) was deducted. It can be implemented to calculating
love towards the Creator.
Occams Razor principle is against multiplying unnecessary entities.
Conclusion: if the sartu model of psyche is correct, then
3.5. God does not exist.
4. Job for the Creator Creator, move from your absolutely cold post
and step into Nature, reject the amoral stance of the impartial judge and
master of your slaves. Come to the world and help us to carry the brunt of
the Universe. Return to the people in the image of God-like Humanity.
God always returns.
5. Dostoyevskys fork. Is sincere faith possible? Godlike Humanity
Atheism is Oedipus complex of the Humanity.
One can remember Dostoyevskys thought that if he were to choose between
Truth and Christ he would have chosen Christ. But it is important that he
came to religion through the pending capital punishment, that is through
absolute existance.
To be or not to be? When such a problem washes over you like the tenth
wave there are two possibilities: two jab the destiny that is killing you
with its arrows by your sword, or, if you dont have any inclination to bring
forth blood, just to close your eyes, switch on the sartu mechanisms,
understand and forgive everybody, and dream sweet dreams. God is the skill
to be happy in misfortune. God is the mechanism to revert negative emotions
into love.
To believe or not to believe? That is Dostoyevskys fork. Sartu
mechanism is indispensable to guard human psyche from misfortunes, but
monotheistic God manages this job worse and worse. It becomes more and more
difficult to trust him. The wish to believe in God clashes with the parental
directive that it is bad to tell lies, and often looses.
Is it possible to believe without absolute lie, is belief possible
without lies at all?
Godlike Humanity. World Mind - Aimer. Noospheric idea, Russian cosmism
in their evolution to the absolute. To replace the absolute lie with the
absolute purpose. No other way can be seen at present.
Purpose - to grow noosphere to noouniverse. Aimer, Godlike Humanity and
noouniverse are synonyms here.
To join in the global Godlike Humanity. To strive reaching joint
Universe through absolute human aim instead of ancient fairy tale.
Humankind should create new, better universes instead of moving towards
self-destruction in petty fights for meager plots of land urged by religious
fanaticism. God in such conflicts is the way to make people kill each other.
6. An Absolute Testament
6.1. Faith in Aimer. Outline. Two basic human existances are eternal.
They always will be demanding an absolute object for aiming at, to focus.
Monotheism got obsolete in the 18t century. In the Goethes Faustus God and
angels choruses seemed obsolete. Though Mephistopheles appeared almost
The third Milennium should answer with its choice: Aimer (World Mind) -
Godlike Humanity - noouniverse.
Philosophy should fortify them with absolute materialism.
Dialectic materialism became obsolete because a person was left out.
Grounds for Absolute Materialism
Scholar is not a mirror but a translator of poetry.
World is a process of matter development.
Space-time, cause-consequence, infinity-finality are forms of thought.
Universes are multiple. The mechanism of self-emergence of matter is
impossible in a single Universe.
We shall ourselves create the world to live in.
Faith in Aimer. Faith without the Absolute Lie
Absolute lie is substituted by purpose. United Godlike Humanity will
solve both existential problems in the process of its development.
Basic Epistemological Existance
In order to avoid the necessity to introduce God as the creator of the
Universe we should build a model where matter brings it forth by itself from
This model is very simple. If we take a pair Universe-Anti-Universe
with time flowing in opposite directions and with Mer in each of them, then
Aimer of our Universe will create Anti-Universe while Aimer of the
Anti-Universe (Remai) - ours. For a detached observer it will look as
emergence of the pair World- Antiworld out of nothing. In physics of
elemental particles there is a full analogy to this process - emergence of
the pair electron-positron from vacuum.
In this way Aimers are creating universes and the possibility of their
own existence. B. Spinozas notion of "existence in itself, self-causality"
is implemented by pairs World-Antiworld, Aimer - Remai.
Basic Ontological Existance
Needs a genius.
6.2. An Absolute Commandment. Improve matter.
ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 15, Last-modified: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 08:01:54 GmT