From: Alexander Novick
To: Maksim Moshkow
Date: 9 Nov 1998
>> I suggest you mirror a copy of V.Freed "58 1/2" from Sergey Naumov
>> collection. It is worth it and won't take much effort. I was the
>> one who supplied the original to Sergey with V.Freed permission.
There are 2 parts to the book, all koi8 with a simple formatting.
I wrote some "Preface" and Sergey Naumov (Vnuki Dadzhboga) edited it and
it came out a little too short:
"58 s Polovinoj ili zapiski lagernogo pridurka" by V.S. Fried,
Part I and Part II In English, I believe, it would sound as:
"58 and a half or the notes of a camp's dork".
The manuskript was published monthly in the "Kinostsenari" magazine.
V.Freed and V.Dunski made screenplays for some of most cherished movies
of the soviet period: Sluzhili dwa towarischa, Ekipazh, Zaterjannij w
Sibiri and many,many more. It is not a known fact that they also made
Chelovek-Amfibija which was classic many years ago. I was a personal friend
of his and worked together with his son A.Fried at Adobe Systems for several
Please let me know if you liked the book and took it in so I can spread the
Популярность: 61, Last-modified: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 12:31:26 GmT