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Subject: Re: [News] Jean Michel Discography
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 92 15:35:53 EST
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By Dave Datta ( Revision 5 (June 17, 1992)
     _   _____       __       __    _
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 |_|  \/  |_| |_|   \____| |_|   |_| |_____| |______|

     _       __       _____    _____    _____
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  __/ |  / / ___\ \  | | \ \  | | \ \  | |___
 |___/  /_/ /______\ |_|  \_\ |_|  \_\ |_____|

This document is a comprehensive and (hopefully) complete discography of
Jean-Michel Jarre.

This list was compiled by Dave Datta.


     PRODUCTS. PLEASE DO NOT ASK. If you would like help tracking
     down legitimate releases, please feel free to contact me.

          - Dave Datta

The information included in this discography is from the covers, the
books included in the boxed sets and Compact Discs, tour books, and the
following people:

Thanks for contributions and incentive to:

     Wesley J. Chun, Bertrand Decouty, Jon Drukman, Mario
     Escamilla, Dave Freeman, Mark Gidley, P. G., Mats Hultqvist,
     Morten Due J|rgensen, Brian Kerr, Peter Korsten, Mathias
     Luthi, Alan Michaels, Lazlo Nibble, Record Collector Magazine,
     Steve Seidman, Geir Stensrud, Janne Salmij{rvi, Cliff Tuel,
     Henk Van Wulpen,  John Voesten, Orson Wang, Ian Westwood, and
     Matthew Wood.

Please send any additions or corrections to:

                    Datta Production and Development
                             905 97th Street
                            Kenosha, WI 53143


Changes from Revision 4.2:

     Lots of minor corrections, corrections to IMAGES release, added
     catalogue numbers.

     Lots of details from 1972- 1974, check it out!!! Loads of stuff
     compliments of Dave Freeman

     Contributors List
     Changes from last revision
     How to pronounce Jarre
     Release Notes/abbreviations
     Country Codes
     Short Discography
     Long/Full discography
     E-Mail/Fanclub List Info

On Pronunciation:

     On a taped interview where Jean-Michel says his name for a series
     of radio promo announcements, he pronounces his name "Jar" as in "a
     jar of preserves" with no accent on the 'e'.

Release notes:


     CD   Compact Disc
     LP   Vinyl Album
     8T   8 Track
     CA   Cassette
     CDS  Compact Disc Single [5"]
     CD3  Compact Disc Single [3"]
     12"  Twelve Inch EP
     2x7" 2 Seven Inch Singles
     VID  Video release of some sort.


     AR = Argentina                     AU = Australia
     BR = Brazilian                     CA = Canada
     CH = China                         DU = Dutch
     FR = France                        HO = Holland
     IT = Italy                         JA = Japan
     PO = Portugal                      SP = Spain
     UK = United Kingdom                US = United States
     WG = West Germany                  YG = Yugoslavia

Short Discography

1967      Des Garcons et des Filles                  Album
1970      La Cage                                    7"
1970      Freedom Day                                7"
1971      La Cage                                    Album
1972      Zig Zag Dance                              7"
1972      Cartolina                                  ???
1972      Helza                                      ???
1972      Deserted Palace                            Album
1973      La Chanson Des Granges Brulees             7"
1973      Les Granges Brulees                        Album
1973      The Music of Jean Michel Jarre             Album
1973      Hypnose                                    7"
1973      Toujours Du Cinema                         7"
1973      Jolly Dolly                                7"
1974      Les Paradis Perdus                         7"
1974      Mickey                                     7"
1974      L'Amour Toujours L'Amour                   7"
1974      Senorita                                   7"
1974      Les Mot Bleus                              7"
1974      Petite Fille Du Soleil                     7"
1975      Magic                                      7"
1975      La Belle Et La Bete                        7"
1976      Faut Pas Rever                             7"
1976      Daisy                                      7"
1976      Que Vas-Tu Faire?                          7"
1977 Aug  Oxygene                                    Album
1977 Aug  Oxygene 4 / 6                              7"
1977      Oxygene 4                                  7"/12"/Video
1977?     Oxygene 2                                  7"/Video
1977      Paris By Night                             Album
1978      Oxygene 4                                  7"/12"
1978 Dec  Equinoxe                                   Album
1978      Licht - Flying Clouds                      Compilation
1979 Jan  Equinoxe 5                                 7"/12"
1979 Mar  Equinoxe 4                                 7"/12"
1980 Feb  Jarre a la Concorde                        7"
1980      Jarre Videogramme Musical                  Video
1981 Jun  Magnetic Fields                            Album
1981 Jun  Magnetic Fields                            7"
1981 Aug  Magnetic Fields 4                          12"
1981      The Last Rumba                             7"
1981      Magnetic Fields II                         12"/Video
1982 May  Concerts In China                          Album
1982 May  Orient Express                             7"/12"
1982      Concerts In China                          Video
1982?     China Concerts, Young Music Show           Video
1982      Music from Time and Space                  Compilation
1982      Synthesis                                  Compilation
1983      Music For Supermarkets                     Album
1983 Nov  The Essential                              Compilation
1984 Nov  Zoolook                                    Album
1985 Mar  Zoolook                                    12"/7"/video
1985 May  Zoolookologie                              2x7"/12"/video
1985      The Essential 1976 - 1986                  Compilation
1986 Aug  Rendez-vous                                Album
1986 Aug  Fourth Rendez-Vous                         12"
1986      Rendezvous 2                               7"
1986      Rendezvous 4                               7"/12"/Video
1986      Rendez-Vous And Live Footage               Video
1986      Rendez-Vous Houston, A City In Concert     Video Single
1986      Rendez-Vous Houston, A City In Concert     Video
1986      Interview                                  Video
1987      Rendez-Vous Lyon: A Concert for the Pope   Video
1987 Mar  In Concert Houston/Lyon                    Live Album
1987      Anniversary (AKA Complete Works)           Compilation
1987      Cities In Concert (The Special Edition)    Live Album
1987      Rendezvous Lyon                            7"
1988 Sep  Revolutions                                Album
1988 Oct  Revolutions                                7"/12"
1988 Oct  Revolutions                                CD Single/Video
1989 Jan  Revolutions                                CD Single
1988 Dec  London Kid                                 7"/12"
1988 Dec  London Kid                                 CD Single/Video
1989 Sep  Oxygene IV                                 7"/12"/CD Single
1989 Oct  Jarre Live                                 Live Album/Video
1989      Destination Docklands                      Video
1989      Oxygene IV                                 Video
1989      Rendezvous Lyon                            Video
1989      Les Concerts en Chine                      Video
1989      Rendezvous Houston - A City In Concert     Video
1989      Destinations Docklands                     Video
1989      4 Pack video                               Video
1989      Les Annees Laser                           Record Box
1990      Revolutions                                12"/CD Single
1990      Interview                                  LP interview
1990 Jun  Waiting for Cousteau                       Album
1990 Jun  Calypso                                    7"/12"/CD Single
1991      Zoolookologie                              CD Single
1991 Oct  Images: The Best of Jean-Michel Jarre      Album/Video

Jean-Michel Jarre:

1948 Aug  (24) Born Lyon France

1953      Began piano and guitar lessons.

Fuzzy Dates

          Studied at Paris Conservatoire.

1964      Accepted into Pierre Schaeffer's Groupe de Recherches
          Musicales at Beaubourg

1967      Des Garcons et des Filles

          Soundtrack to the film of same title.

                 FR LP

1969      left Groupe de Recherches Musicales

1969      composed a short electro-acoustic piece for magnetic tape
          called "Happiness is a Sad Song" This was produced for the
          Maison de Culture in Reims.

1970      La Cage

          both electronic shorts composed for 16 oscillators, percussion
          and a musical saw.

                 La Cage
                 Eros machine

                 7" FR Pathe Marconi 2C 006-11739

1970      Freedom Day

          Sung by S. Hobo

                 Freedom Day
                 Synthetic Man

                 7" FR Disque AZ NP 1002
                 7" FR Discodis SG 377

1972      Zig Zag Dance

          by The Foggy Joe Band!

                 Zig Zag Dance (vocal version)
                 Zig Zag Dance (instrumental)

                 7" ?? ?? MT 4032

1972      Zig Zag Dance

          By Electric Choo Choo Band

                 Zig Zag Dance (vocal version)
                 Zig Zag Dance (instrumental)

                 7" ?? ?? ST 40027

1972      Zig Zag Dance

          By The Superfly

                 Zig Zag Dance (vocal version)
                 Zig Zag Dance (instrumental)

                 7" ?? ?? PE 522705

1972      Zig Zag Dance

          By Jo Sherman

                 Zig Zag Dance (vocal version)
                 Ping Pong Song

                 7" ?? ?? 45V 4199

1972      Cartolina

          By 1906


                 7" ?? ?? LA 4050

1972      Plays live at Paris Opera, Palais Gardnier (music from "La

1972      Deserted Palace

          Jarre (EMS synth, Farfisa organ)

          "Volume 1"

           2:10  Poltergeist Party
           2:40  Music Box Concerto
           1:37  Rain Forest Rap Session
           1:10  A Love Theme For Gargoyles
           3:15  Bridge of Promises
            :45  Exasperated Frog
           1:55  Take Me To Your Leader
           2:10  Deserted Palace
           1:05  Pogo Rock
           8:00  Wind Swept Canyon
            :55  The Abominable Snowman
           2:24  Iraqi Hitch Hiker
           2:15  Free Floating Anxiety
           1:35  Synthetic Jungle
            :55  Bee Factory

                 LP FR Sam Fox 1029
                 LP FR Eden ROC ER 62502

1973      La Chanson Des Granges Brulees

                 La Chanson Des Granges Brulees
                 Le Juge Et Les Paysans (early version of Rendez III,
                                             Laser Harp tune.)

                 7" Eden ROC ER 62002

1973      Les Granges Brulees

          Soundtrack to the film of same title.

                 La Chanson Des Grange Brulees
                 Le Payside Rose
                 Une Morte Dans La Neige
                 Le Juge Et Les Paysans
                 Le Car, Le Chasse Neige
                 Theme De L'Argent
                 Le Perquistion Et Les Paysans
                 Les Grange Brulees
                 Descente Au Village
                 La Verite

                 FR LP Eden ROC ER 62502
                 IT LP 2683 077

1973      Hypnose

          By Dominique Webb (vocalist)

                 Hypnose (Vocal)
                 Hypnose (Instrumental)

                 7" MT 4043

1973      Toujours Du Cinema

          B-side produced by JMJ, Patrick Juvet vocalist

                 Toujours Du Cinema
                 Au Jardin D'Alice

                 Barclay 61833

1973      Jolly Dolly

          A-Side produced by JMJ, By Blue Vamp

                 Jolly Dolly
                 L'Esprit De L'Homme

                 7" VP 59002
1973      The Music of Jean Michel Jarre

                 Poltergeist Party
                 Music Box Concerto
                 Rain Forest Rap Session
                 A Love Theme For Gargoyles
                 Bridge of Promises
                 Exasperated Frog
                 Take Me To Your Leader
                 Deserted Palace
                 Pogo Rock
                 Wind Swept Canyon
                 The Abominable Snowman
                 Iraqi Hitch Hiker
                 Free Floating Anxiety
                 Synthetic Jungle
                 Bee Factory

                 LP US Sam Fox SF 1029 (Promo)

1974      Les Paradis Perdus

          By Christophe

                 Les Paradis Perdus

                 7" MT 4048

1974      Mickey

          By Christophe


                 7" MT 4049

1974      L'Amour Toujours L'Amour

          By Christophe

                 L'Amour Toujours L'Amour
                 La Bete

                 7" MT 4054

1974      Senorita

          By Christophe

                 Le Temps De Vivre

                 7" MT 4058

1974      Les Mot Bleus

          By Christophe

                 Les Mot Bleus
                 Le Dernier Des Bevilaqua

                 7" MT 4061

1974      Petite Fille Du Soleil

          By Christophe

                 Petite Fille Du Soleil
                 Le Petit Gars

                 7" MT 4073

1975      Magic

          By Patrick Juvet

                 J'ai Peur De La Nuit

                 7" Barclay 62159

1975      La Belle Et La Bete

          A-Side only JMJ, Gerard Lenorman

                 La Belle Et La Bete

                 7" CBS 3436

1976      Faut Pas Rever

          By Patrick Juvet

                 Faut Pas Rever
                 L'Enfant Cheveux Blancs

                 7" Barclay 62228

1976      Daisy

          By Christophe


                 7" MT 2097209

1976      Que Vas-Tu Faire?

          By Francoise Hardy

                 Que Vas-Tu Faire?
                 La Compute Au Rebours

                 7" Warner Bros 16664

1976      Met Charlotte Rampling (wife to be)

1976      August-November, Recorded Oxygene.

1977      Signed to Francis Dreyfus' label Disques Dreyfus

1977 Aug  Oxygene

          Jean Michel-Jarre (ARP Synth, AKS Synth, VCS 83 Synth, RMI
                 Harmonic Synth, Farfisa Organ, Eminent, Mellotron,
                 Rhythmin' Computer)

          Michel Geiss (adapted the VCS 83 and devised new instruments)

          Recorded at Jean-Michel Jarre's private studio and mixed at
          Gang studio, Paris from August to November 1976.

           7:40  Oxygene I
           7:37  Oxygene II
           3:24  Oxygene III
           4:06  Oxygene IV
          10:26  Oxygene V
           6:24  Oxygene VI

                  LP 1979 FR Les Disques Motors MTO 77 000
                  LP 1979 FR Disques Motors MLP 1000 (green label)
                  LP 1979 FR Dreyfus 824 746 1
                  LP 1977 JA Disques-Dreyfus/Polygram K.K. MPF-1098
                  LP 19?? YG LC 0309
                  LP 1977 UK Polygram SUPER 2310 555
                  LP 1977 CA Polygram 2310 555 (diff sleeve)
                  LP 1977 UK Polygram 2933 207 (diff sleeve)
                  LP 1977 UK Polygram 23105 55
                  LP 19?? WG Polygram 2344 068
                  LP 19?? CA Polygram JAR 1
                  LP 19?? AR Phonogram 5125 (Spanish titles)
                  LP 198? UK HMV C88 1 (HMV Box re-issue with 12 page
                                             book ltd to 3000)
                  LP 1977 US Polygram 1611 2
                  LP 19?? AU Polydor 2310 555
                 2LP 1978 FR Dreyfus 2 683 077 (with Equinoxe)
                  CD 1983 UK Polygram 800 015 2
                  CD 1983 UK Polygram FDMCD 77000
                  CD 1988 UK HMV 800 015 2 (HMV Box re-issue with 12
                                             page book ltd to 3500))
                  CD 198? FR Disques Dreyfus 824-746-2 (diff
                  CD 198? FR Disques Dreyfus MCO 1000
                  CA 19?? UK Polygram 3100 398
                 2CA 1978 UK Polygram 3574 094 (with Equinoxe)
                  CA 1979 UK Les Disques Motors MTO 40 77 000
                  CA 19?? US Polygram CT-1-6112
                  CA 1988 UK HMV C88 3 (HMV Box re-issue with 12 page
                                             book ltd to 3000)
                  8T 19?? US Polygram 8T-1-6112

1977 Aug  Oxygene 4 / 6

                 Oxygene 4
                 Oxygene 6

                 7" FR Disques Motors 2097 214 (titled "La musique de
                                             Bashet" with P.S of
                 7" FR Disques Motors 2001 721 (LP sleeve and blue
                 7" YG Polygram S-54002

1977 Aug  Oxygene IV reaches UK #2. Oxygene LP is released world wide on
          Polygram, it hits UK #1, US top 10 (pop) US #3 (jazz). Sells 6
          million copies worldwide.

1977      Oxygene 4

                 Oxygene 4, mono
                 Oxygene 4, stereo

                 12" PRO 026 (promo)
                 7" US Polydor PD 14425 (Promo)

1977      Oxygene 2 / 6

                 Oxygene 2
                 Oxygene 6

                 7" FR Disques Motors 2097 227 (P/S of Jarre & LP Cover)
                 7" WG Polygram 2001 765 (diff P/S)
                 7" FR Polygram 2097 222

1977?     Oxygene 2


1977?     Oxygene 4


1977      Paris By Night

          Patrick Juvet (Voice, Piano, Eminent, Chorus)
          Sonny Berg (Piano, Electric Piano, Clavenet)
          Henry Davis (Bass)
          Scott Edward (bass)
          Jim Borden (drums)
          James Gateson (drums)
          Ed Green (drums)
          Gary Coleman (percussion)
          Ray Parker (Guitar)
          Lee Ritenour (Guitar)
          Ernie Watts (sax)
          Jim Horn (sax)
          Michael Boddicker (synth)
          Kay Schaeffer (cords)
          Georges Rodie (Moog)

          Produced and Arranged Jean Michel Jarre
          Jan 5 1977- Apr 30 1977

          Text and music by Jarre

          Tinfoil cover.
          Includes 12"x12" lyric sheet + pics of musicians, 3 of Jean
                 Michel Jarre, Charlotte was in the film.

          6:15   Ousont Les Femmes
          11:45  Paris By Night
          4:00   Pas Assez De Toi
          3:20   Jessica
          3:40   Les Bruless au coeur
          3:50   Le Fantome De'hollywood
          5:35   Meglomania

                 LP FR Barclay 90.098

1978      I Got A Feeling

          Maxi-single, one track by Jarre

          7:14   Where is my Woman

                 12" Can't Stop Productions (Casablanca) NBLP 7101

1978      La Maladie de Hambourg

          Soundtrack to film, featured no new music, cuts from Oxygene
          and Equinoxe. Not released.

1978      Oxygene 4

                 Oxygene 4
                 Equinoxe 5

                 12" WG 2 141 324
                 7" UK Old Gold OG 9780
                 7" UK Old Gold OG 9780 (diff ps)

1978 Dec  Equinoxe

          Jean-Michel Jarre (2600 ARP Synth, AKS Synth, VCS3 Synth,
                 Yamaha Polyphonic Synth, Oberheim Polyphonic Synth, RMI
                 Harmonic Synth, RMI Keyboard Computer, Elka 707, Korg
                 Polyphonic Ensemble, Eminent, Mellotron, ARP Sequencer,
                 Oberheim Digital Sequencer, Matrisequincer 250,
                 Rhythmicomputer, Vocoder EMS)

          Recorded at Jean-Michel Jarre's private studio on MCI-studio
          equipment and mixed at Gang studio, Paris from January to
          August 1978.

          Custom instruments developed by Michel Geiss and Jean-Michel

           2:25  Equinoxe I
           5:00  Equinoxe II
           5:09  Equinoxe III
           6:54  Equinoxe IV
           3:54  Equinoxe V
           3:28  Equinoxe VI
           7:06  Equinoxe V
           4:57  Equinoxe VII

                 2LP 1978 FR Dreyfus 2683 077 (with Oxygene)
                 LP 19?? FR Dreyfus DLP2000
                 LP 1977 UK Polygram DELUXE POLD 5007
                 LP 1978 FR Dreyfus FDM 83150 (diff back cover)
                 LP 1978 FR Dreyfus FDM 83150
                 LP 1978 FR Dreyfus 2302 084
                 LP 1978 FR Dreyfus 824 747 1
                 LP 1978 JA Polygram MPF1214
                 LP 1978 JA Polygram MI 8447 (diff cover)
                 LP 19?? AR Polygram 6033
                 LP 1978 UK Polygram 231 0636
                 LP 1978 UK Polygram POLD 5007
                 LP 1978 US Polygram 1 6175
                 LP 1978 US Polygram PD-1-6175
                 LP 1983 UK Polygram 2 344 120
                 CA 1978 FR Dreyfus FDM 40 83150 (diff cover:pyramid of
                                             6 of those binocular dudes,
                                             not a whole crowd)
                 CA 1978 US Polygram CD-1-6175
                 CA 19?? US Polygram 829-456-4-Y-1
                 CD 1983 UK Polygram 800 025 2
                 CD 1983 UK Polygram FDMCD 83150
                 CD 1983 FR Disques-Dreyfus/Polygram 824 747-2
                 8T 1978 US Polygram 8T-1-6175

1978      Equinoxe 5

                 Equinoxe 5
                 Equinoxe 5

                 12" UK Dreyfus FDM 16100 (blue vinyl)

1978      Equinoxe 4

                 Equinoxe 4 (remix)
                 Equinoxe 5

                 12" UK Polygram JM 1 (promo)
                 12" UK Dreyfus FDM 16101 (promo)

1978 Mar  Equinoxe 4

                 Equinoxe 4 (Version edit)
                 Equinoxe 3 (Waltz)

                 7" 1978 FR Dreyfus FDM 16003
                 7" 1978 UK Dreyfus 2001 896

1978 Dec  Equinoxe 5

                 Equinoxe 5
                 Equinoxe 1

                 7" UK POSP 20 (Promo, autograph & "Dec 78" after
                                             Equinoxe on side B)
                 7" UK POSP 20 (Promo, Silver & Red Labels exist)
                 7" ?? Polygram 2001 846
                 7" FR FDM 16000 (diff P/S)

1978 Dec  Equinoxe reaches UK #11 and US #126

1978      Licht Flying Clouds

                 LP WG Polygram 827 481-1

1979 Jan  Equinoxe 5

                 Equinoxe 5
                 Entire B-side etched autograph and "Nov '78"

                 7" UK Promo Polygram JARRE 1

1979 Jan  Equinoxe 5 reaches UK #45

1979 Jul  (14th) Concert in Place de la Concorde, Paris. 1 million
          attendees. Broadcast in Eurovision and live in Japan. 1st
          entry in the Guiness Book of World Records for having the
          largest audience ever united for a concert.

1980 Feb  Jarre a la Concorde

                 Equinoxe 7 Live
                 Equinoxe 8 Live

                 7" FR FDM 16012
                 7" UK 2001 968

1980      Jarre Videogramme Musical

                 30 minutes

1981 Jun  Magnetic Fields (Les Chants Magnetiques)

          Jean-Michel Jarre (MCI, RSF, Fairlight, Oberheim, Mob)

          Recorded at Jean-Michel Jarre's private studio on mixed at
          Croissy studio, Paris from January to August 1978.

          17:56  Magnetic Fields I
           3:59  Magnetic Fields II
           4:24  Magnetic Fields III
           6:06  Magnetic Fields IV
           3:31  Magnetic Fields V

                 LP 1981 US Polygram PS-1-6325
                 LP 1981 UK Polygram POLD 5159
                 LP 1981 UK Polygram SUPERPOLD 5007
                 LP 1983 UK Polygram 2 344 166
                 LP 1981 UK Polygram SUPERPOOLS 1033 (with Inner Sleeve)
                 LP 1981 UK Polygram POOLS 1033
                 LP 1981 FR Dreyfus 824 748 1
                 LP 1981 FR Dreyfus 2 311 075 (red,blue,white label)
                 LP 1983 UK Polygram FDM 18108 (title in red)
                 LP 1983 UK Polygram FDM 18108 (title in orange)
                 LP 1981 JA Polygram 28MM0044
                 LP 1981 YG RTB 2220806 (titled "Zlatna")
                 CD 1983 UK Polygram 811 022 2
                 CD 1983 UK Polygram FDM CD 18108
                 CD 1983 UK Polygram 800 024 2
                 CD 1981 FR Polygram 824 748 2
                 CD 198? FR Dreyfus DCO 2001
                 CA 1983 FR Polygram FDM 40 18108
                 CA 1981 US CA 1 6325
                 CA 1981 JA Polydor KK 28CM0025
                 CA 19?? HO Polygram 3100-598
                 8T 1981 US 8T 1 6325

1981 Jun  Les Chants Magnetiques (Magnetic Fields)

                 Les Chants Magnetiques 2 (remix)
                 Les Chants Magnetiques 1 (Excerpt)

                 7" FR 1981 FDM 16015
                 7" UK POSP 292

1981 Nov  Magnetic Fields 4

                 Magnetic Fields 4 (Remix)
                 Magnetic Fields 1 (Excerpt)

                 7" SP 1981 2002 098
                 7" UK Polygram 363

1981      The Last Rumba

                 The Last Rumba
                 Magnetic Fields 1

                 7" SP 1981 2002 128

1981      Magnetic Fields II

                 Magnetic Fields II (Remix)
                 Magnetic Fields II (Remix)

                 12" UK 1981 Dreyfus FDM 16104 (Promo, numbered sleeve)
                 12" FR 1981 Polygram 2812 066 (Promo)

1981      Magnetic Fields II


1981 Jun  Magnetic Fields hits UK #6, US #98

1981 Oct  Peking (Oct 21) and Shanghai (Nov 15) Plays live in China.
          Total of 5 performances. Event is filmed for a TV special and
          recorded for LP release. 400,000 people attended, 100 million
          via television and 500 million via radio broadcast.

1982 May  Concerts In China (Les Concerts En Chine)

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Fairlight, Eminent, Obx A, Taurus, AKS, VCS
                 3, Elka, Linn Drum, Microsynth Electroharmonix, Laser
          Frederic Rousseau (Polysequencer MDB, RSF, Yamaha CD 60,
                 Boites A Rhythme Korg, Arp 2600)
          Dominique Perrier (Moog Liberation, Prophet 5, Eminent, Korg
                 Polyphonic, Kobol)
          Roger Rizzitelli (Percussion, Electronic and Simmons)
          Pierre Mourey (Regie of instruments)
          Peking Orchestra guests on Jonques De Pecheurs Au Crepuscule
                 (Fishing Junks At Sunset)

          Custom instruments developed by Michel Geiss and Jean-Michel

          Recorded live in Shanghai and Peking in October 1981

           4:48  L'ouverture                 (The Overture)
           6:54  Arpegiateur
           7:49  Equinoxe IV
           9:38  Jonques De Pecheurs Au Crepuscule
                                             (Fishing Junks At Sunset)
           1:29  L'orchestre Sous La Pluie   (Band In The Rain)
           9:54  Equinoxe VII

           4:22  Orient Express
           0:21  Les Chants Magnetiques I    (Magnetic Fields I)
           3:48  Les Chants Magnetiques III  (Magnetic Fields III)
           6:49  Les Chants Magnetiques IV   (Magnetic Fields IV)
           3:35  Harpe Laser                 (Laser Harp)
           7:02  Nuit A Shanghai             (Night In Shanghai)
           2:07  La Derniere Rumba           (The Last Rumba)
           6:30  Les Chants Magnetiques II   (Magnetic Fields II)
           3:54  Souvenir De Chine           (Souvenir of China)

                 2LP 1982 UK Polygram PODV 3 (1st pressing: red labels,
                                             sticker, gloss inner sleeve
                                             + insert; 2nd pressing:
                                             paper inner sleeve)
                 2LP 1983 FR Dreyfus DLP 2200
                 2LP 1983 UK Polygram DLP 2616-039 (red,white,blue
                 2LP 1983 FR Dreyfus 2335 260
                 2LP 1983 PO Polydor 2616-039
                 2LP 1983 FR Dreyfus 824 749 1
                 2LP 1983 UK Polygram FDM 18111
                 2LP 1983 CH Polydor 40MM0177
                 2CD 1982 FR Dreyfus 824 749-2
                 2CD 1983 UK Polygram FDM CD 18111
                 2CD 1983 UK Polygram 811 551 2
                 2CA 1983 UK Polygram FDM 40 18111

1982      Orient Express

                 Orient Express
                 Equinoxe 4 (live)

                 7" FR 2002 149
                 7" FR Dreyfus FDM 16022
                 12" FR FDM 16107

1982 May  Orient Express

                 Orient Express
                 Fishing Junks

                 7" FR Dreyfus FDM 16018
                 7" SP 2002 143
                 7" UK POSPX 430

1982      Orient Express

                 Orient Express
                 Fishing Junks

                 12" UK POSPX 430DJ (Promo Sticker Sleeve)

1982      Concerts In China

          Video release was directed by Andrew Piddington for ATV.

                 RAD Peking Concert (Live '81 Dutch Broadcast)
                 VHS The China Concerts (ITV. 90 mins, colour)
                 VHS Peking Documentary (colour)

1982?     China Concerts, Young Music Show (China?)

          The subtitles are in Chinese so I believe this is a Chinese

          Most of the music in this video release is NOT from the same
          concert as the LP/CD/CA release.

                 Overture (Jarre walks on stage)
                 Equinoxe 4
                 Equinoxe 5
                 Equinoxe 7
                 Fishing Junks at Sunset
                 Interview (Jarre interviews Chinese people)
                 Magnetic Fields 1
                 Magnetic Fields 4
                 Orient Express
                 Magnetic Fields 2
                 End (ITC credits)

                 VID ?CHINA? ITC

1982 May  Concerts in China reaches UK #6.

1982      Muzik aus Zeit und Raum (Music from Time and Space)

           4:06  Oxygene IV
           3:54  Equinoxe Part V
           7:37  Oxygene II
           3:59  Magnetic Fields Part II
           6:54  Arpegiator
           3:10  Magentic Fields Part I
           4:22  Orient Express
           3:30  Equinoxe Part IV
           6:24  Oxygene VI
           6:18  Magnetic Fields Part IV
           5:09  Equinoxe Part II
           2:25  Equinoxe Part I
           3:30  Magnetic Fields Part V

                 CD 1982 WG Polygram 815 686 2

          The LP has different track times as follows:

          3:50   Oxygen IV
          3:50   Equinoxe Part V
          2:46   Oxygen II
          3:50   Magnetic Fields Part II
          6:53   Arpegiator
          2:50   Magnetic Fields Part I
          3:55   Orient Express
          3:30   Equinoxe Part IV
          4:30   Oxygen VI
          3:17   Magnetic Fields Part VI
          3:09   Equinoxe Part III
          2:15   Equinoxe Part I
          3:28   Magnetic Fields Part V

                 LP 1976 WG Polygram 815 686-1
                 CA 1976 WG Polygram 815 686-3

1982      Synthesis

                 LP 1982 IT Polydor 823 215-1

1983      Music For Supermarkets

          Made expressly to voice his distaste and disregard for the
          music business, only one copy is pressed. Much of the music
          was re-worked and incorporated in later releases (like Blah
          Blah Cafe on Zoolook.)

                 Part 1
                 Part 2
                 Part 3
                 Part 4
                 Part 5
                 Part 6

                 LP 1983 FR Dreyfus FDM 18113 Private Pressing

1983 Jul  (6) 10 pm. Copy of Music for Supermarkets is auctioned off at
          Hotel Drouot in Paris for #10,000, the master tapes are
          destroyed, project is broadcast on Radio Luxembourg.

1983 Nov  The Essential Jean-Michel Jarre

          Some copies are just titled "The Essential Jean Michel Jarre"
                 and some are just titled "The Essential"

           3:50  Oxygene IV
           3:50  Equinoxe V
           3:14  Oxygene II
           3:57  Magnetic Fields II
           4:12  Orient Express
           3:04  Magnetic Fields I
           3:22  Jonques De Pecheurs Au Crepuscule
                 The Overture
           3:39  Equinoxe IV
           4:28  Oxygene VI
           3:05  Magnetic Fields IV
           2:43  Equinoxe III
           3:40  Equinoxe 1
           3:30  Magnetic Fields V

                 LP 1983 UK Polygram PRO LP 3 817 003 1 (Color labels)
                 LP 1983 UK Polygram PRO LP 3 817 003 1 (B&W labels)
                 LP 1983 WG Polygram 817 003 2
                 CD 1983 WG Polygram 817 003 2
                 CD 1983 WG Polygram 817 603 2

1983 Nov  Essential Jean-Michel Jarre hits UK #14

198?      Licht - Flying Clouds

          This is another Best-of compilation, it definitely has tracks
          from Oxygene and Equinoxe and is probably from approximately
          1983. (Based on the Catalogue Number)

                 LP 198? Dreyfus 827 484
1984 Nov  Zoolook

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Fairlight CMI, Emulator, Moog 55, Arp 2600,
                 DX7, Prophet V, OBXA, AMS, Simmons SDS V,
                 Matrisequencer, Aks, EMS Vocoder, Eminent, Doctor
                 Click, Linn 1, Linn 2)
          Laurie Anderson (Vocals on Diva)
          Adrian Belew (Guitars and Effects)
          Yogi Horton (Drums)
          Marcis Miller (Bass)
          Frederick Rosseau (Additional Keyboards)
          Ira Siegel (Additional Guitar)

          The human voices heard on this album were created from
          recordings of speech and song.  The original recordings were
          made in the following languages:  Aboriginal, Arabic,
          Balinese, Buhndi, Chad, Chinese, English, Eskimo, French,
          Gabonese, German, Hungarian, Indian, Japanese, Madagascan,
          Malayan, Pigmy, Quencha, Russian, Sioux, Spanish, Swedish,
          Tibetan, Turkish.  They were edited and transformed using
          different electronic devices.

          Recorded at Klinton Studio, New York; mixed on the Sont
          PCM1610 at Croissy Studio, France.

          Original Sequence & tracks

          11:42  Ethnicolor
           7:31  Diva
           3:52  Zoolook
           3:19  Wooloomooloo
           4:21  Zoolookologie
           3:21  Blah Blah Cafe
           3:53  Ethnicolor II

          Post 1985 Sequence & tracks

          11:41  Ethnicolor
           7:35  Diva
           3:43  Zoolookologie (remix)
           3:18  Woolloomooloo
           3:51  Zoolook (remix)
           3:21  Blah Blah Cafe
           3:54  Ethnicolor II

                 LP 1984 US Dreyfus POLH 15 (Without remixes)
                 LP 1984 FR Dreyfus FDM 18118 (without remixes)
                 LP 1985 FR Dreyfus 824 750 1
                 LP 1985 UK Polygram 823 763 1
                 LP 1985 JA Polydor 28MM0413
                 CD 1984 WG Dreyfus FDM CD-18118 (without remixes)
                 CD 1984 WG Polygram 823 763 2 01# (DDD) (without
                 CD 1985 WG Polygram 823 763 2 02# (DDD) (cover says
                                             pre-1985 sequence but disc
                                             has post 1985 sequence and
                 CD 1985 WG Polygram 823 763 2 03# (DDD) (with remixes)
                 CD 1985 FR Dreyfus 824 750-2 (with remixes,indexed)
                 CA 1984 FR Dreyfus FDM 40-18118 (without remixes)
                 CA 1985 US Polygram 823-763-4-Y-1

1984 Nov  Zoolook peaks UK #14. Second entry in the Guiness Book, this
          time for sale of Music for Supermarkets.

1985 Jan  Zoolookologie

          6:27   Zoolookologie (Extended mix)
          3:44   Zoolookologie (Remix)
          3:52   Ethnicolor II

                 12" WG Polygram/Dreyfus 881 903-1 Y
                 12" UK POSPX 740
                 12" UK POSPX 740DJ (promo)

1985 Mar  Zoolook

           3:41  Zoolook, Remix Version
           3:23  Wooloomooloo
           6:31  Zoolook, Extended Mix (136 B:P:M:)
           0:58  Zoolook Effects

                 12" FR Dreyfus FDM 121 602 7
                 12" UK Polygram POSPX 718
                 12" UK Polygram POSPX 718DJ (promo)
                 12" WG Polygram/Dreyfus 881 540-1
                 12" US (promo)

1985 Mar  Zoolook


                 7" FR Dreyfus FDM 16027
                 7" UK Polygram POSP 718
                 7" UK Polygram 881 540

1985      Zoolook


1985      Zoolookologie


1985 Mar  Zoolookologie

           3:44  Zoolookologie (Remix)
           3:52  Ethnicolor II
                 Oxygene (Part 4)
                 Oxygene (Part 6)

                 2x7" FR 1985 Polygram/Dreyfus 881 903-7
                 2x7" UK 1985 POSPG 740 [Gatefold]

1985 May  Zoolookologie

           3:44  Zoolookologie (Remix)
           3:52  Ethnicolor II

                 7" UK Polygram/Dreyfus POSP 740

1985      The Essential 1976 - 1986 Jean-Michel Jarre

           3:50  Oxygene IV
           3:50  Equinoxe V
           3:14  Oxygene II
           3:57  Magnetic Fields II
           4:12  Orient Express
           3:04  Magnetic Fields I
           3:22  Jonques De Pecheurs Au Crepuscule
           3:59  Souvenir De Chine
           3:39  Equinoxe IV
           4:28  Oxygene VI
           3:05  Magnetic Fields IV
           2:43  Equinoxe III
           3:40  Zoolookologie
           3:30  Magnetic Fields V

                 LP 1985 FR Dreyfus DLP 2004
                 LP 1986 IT
                 CD 1985 FR DD/Polygram 826 420 2

1986 Aug  Houston Concert - 150th anniversary of Texas, 25th anniversary
          of NASA recorded 1,300,000 persons attending (Guiness Book of

          Excerpt of "memorial service" elegy from the funeral of Ron
          McNair by President Ronald Reagen.

          Excerpt of "moon landing speech" by President J.F. Kennedy at
          the University of Rice.

          Concert Lyon - In honour of the visit of Pope Jean-Paul II at

          Extracts from the benediction of the village of Lyon by Pope
          Jean-Paul II.

1986 Aug  Rendez-vous

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Seiko DS 250, Synthex, Moog, Roland JX 8P,
                 Fairlight, Emulator II,Eminent, AKS, Linn 9000, Laser
                 Harp, RMI, Seiko DS 320, AKS, OBX, DX 100,
                 Matrisequencer, Casio CZ 5000, ARP 2000)
          Michel Geiss (ARP 2600, Eminent, Programming of
          Dominique Perrier (Memory Moog)
          Jo Hammer (Drumulator, percussions)
          Choir of Radio France (vocals on Second Rendez-vous)
          David Jarre (Baby Korg)
          Pierre Gossez (Saxophone on "Ron's Piece")

           2:54  First Rendez-Vous
           2:36  Second Rendez-Vous Part I
           3:17  Second Rendez-Vous Part II
           2:18  Second Rendez-Vous Part II
           2:43  Second Rendez-Vous Part IV
           3:31  Third Rendez-Vous
           4:03  Fourth Rendez-Vous
           2:59  Fifth Rendez-Vous Part I
           1:13  Fifth Rendez-Vous Part II
           3:45  Fifth Rendez-Vous Part III
           5:47  Last Rendez-Vous "Ron's Piece"

                 LP 1986 UK Polygram POLH 27
                 LP 1986 UK Polygram POLH 27 (promo stamp)
                 LP 1986 US Polydor 829 125 1 Y-1
                 LP 1989 WG Polygram 829 125 1 (2nd press 9/89)
                 CD 1986 WG Polygram 829 125 2 Y
                 CD 1986 FR Polygram/Disques Dreyfus 833 808-2 PY 900
                                             Same as other releases but
                                             titles in French)
                 CD 1986 UK Polygram 829 125 2
                 CD 1986 FR Polygram 826 864-2 ("Parts" are not noted or
                 CA 19?? WG Polygram 829 125-4
                 CA 1986 US Polydor 829 125 4 Y-1

          US Issue

           2:55  First Rendez-Vous
          10:53  Second Rendez-Vous
           3:30  Third Rendez-Vous
           4:02  Fourth Rendez-Vous
           8:04  Fifth Rendez-Vous
           5:40  Last Rendez-Vous:  "Ron's Piece"

                 CD 1986 US Polydor 829 125 2 Y-1

1986 Aug  Fourth Rendez-Vous

          6:08   Fourth Rendez-Vous (long)
          3:45   Fourth Rendez-Vous
          3:00   Moon Machine

                 12" UK Polygram POSPX 788 (With 'Face' P/S)
                 12" UK Polygram POSPX 788 (With 'city' P/S)
                 12" UK Polygram POSPX 788DJ (promo)
                 12" WG Polygram/Dreyfus 885 045-1
                 12" US Polygram/Dreyfus 885 045 1

1986      Rendezvous 2

                 Rendezvous 2 Houston (live)
                 Ron's Piece

                 7" FR Polygram 888 400 7

1986 Aug  Rendezvous 4

                 Rendezvous 4
                 Rendezvous 1

                 7" UK Polygram POSP 788
                 7" UK Polygram PODJ 788 (promo, a-side label only)
                 7" FR Dreyfus D00 4010

1986      Rendezvous 4

                 Rendezvous 4
                 Rendezvous 1

                 12" WG Polygram 883 892 1
                  7" US Polygram 883 892 7 (promo)

1986      Rendezvous 4

                 Rendezvous 4 (Lyon/Houston Disco Mix)
                 Souvenir of China (Disco Mix)

                 12" BR Polygram 880 122 0

1986      Rendezvous 4

                 Rendezvous 4 (Live)


1986 Apr  (5) Rendez-vous Houston is performed in Houston TX for the
          city's 150th anniversary. Estimated 1.3 million people
          "witnessed" the event. Second entry for Jarre in the Guiness
          Book for largest audience at an outdoor concert. Simulcast
          over FM radio.

          Concert Sequence: (from bootleg video of concert)

                 Ethnicolor (Jarre walks onto stage)
                 Oxygene I
                 Oxygene II
                 Oxygene IV
                 Equinoxe VII
                 Souvenir of China
                 Equinoxe IV
                 Equinoxe II
                 Equinoxe V
                 Rendez-Vous III (Laser Harp)
                 Rendez-Vous II
                 Oxygene V
                 Ron's Piece
                 Rendez-Vous IV
                 (Jarre introduces the other musicians)
                 Rendez-Vous IV (Encore)
                 (Jarre credits the producers)

1986 Apr  Rendezvous hits UK #9

1986 Aug  Fourth Rendez-Vous peaks UK #18.

1986      Rendez-Vous And Live Footage

                 Rendez-Vous 4 Finished Video
                 Rendez-Vous 4 Live Footage

                 VHS NTSC US GASP! Productions (Promo Video)

1986      Rendez-Vous Houston, A City In Concert

          3 track Promo Video from GASP! Productions

1986      Rendez-Vous Houston, A City In Concert

          Jean-Michel Jarre
          Michel Geiss (Synth)
          Sylvian Durand (Keyboards & Synth)
          Frances Rimbert (Keyboards & Synth)
          Pascal Lebourg (Keyboards & Synth)
          Dominique Perrier (Keyboards & Synth)
          Jo Hammer (Drums)
          Christine Durand (Soprano)
          Kirk Whalum (Alto Saxophone on "Ron's Piece")
          High School for the Performing Arts (Vocals)
          Singing Boys of Houston (Vocals)

          Sesquicentennial Special, Avail in Texas Only. Concert &

          Directed by Bob Giraldi

          52:00  Edited Video Footage Of 1986 Concert

                 VHS NTSC US Polygram REF FDM 55
                 VHS Lyon Concert (French TV. B/W)
                 VHS Concert Houston (UK)
                 RADIO Lyon Concert (Live '87 French Broadcast)
                 RADIO Concert Houston (UK + Interview)

1986 Oct  (5) Performs in Lyon France for visit of Pope Jean-Paul II.
          Performed at the foot of Fourvieres hill in the heart of the
          old city. over 1 million people, simulcast over FM radio.

1987      Rendez-Vous Lyon: A Concert for the Pope

          52 minute film directed by Jean-Francois Gauthier.

                 VHS PAL (UK)
                 VHS SECAM (French)

1987 Mar  In Concert (Houston/Lyon)

                 Jean-Michel Jarre
                 Michel Geiss (Synth)
                 Sylvian Durand (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Frances Rimbert (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Pascal Lebourg (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Dominique Perrier (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Jo Hammer (Drums)
                 Christine Durand (Soprano)
                 Kirk Whalum (Alto Saxophone on "Ron's Piece")
                 High School for the Performing Arts (Vocals)
                 Singing Boys of Houston (Vocals)

                 Jean-Michel Jarre
                 Michel Geiss (Synth)
                 Sylvian Durand (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Frances Rimbert (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Pascal Lebourg (Keyboards & Synth)
                 Guy Delacroix (Bass)
                 Jo Hammer (Drums)
                 Dino Lumbroso (Percussion)
                 Christine Durand (Soprano)
                 Kirk Whalum (Alto Saxophone on "Ron's Piece")
                 National Lyon Orchestra
                 From the Lyon Opera
          Violins: Marianne Pollin, Anne Rouch, Anne Menier, Cecile
                 Molinaro, Claude Bosselier, Marie-Caroline Mathias,
                 Francoise Guriec, Aloyo Tsuzuraki)
          Trombones: Phillipe Cauchy, Jean-Michel Bardet, Raymond Patry,
                 Marc Desseigne, Jean Gotthold, Pierre Girard
          Horns: Michel Molinaro, Joel Nicord
                 Children Choir La Cigale de Lyon
                 Female voices of Cantrel de Lyon

           1:17  Oxygene V
           9:39  Ethnicolor
           4:35  Magnetic Fields I
           3:32  Souvenir, Live Souvenir of China
           3:46  Equinoxe V
           4:28  Rendez-Vous III (Laser Harp)
          11:07  Rendez-Vous II
           4:40  Ron's Piece
           4:54  Rendez-Vous IV

                 LP US 1987 Polygram 833 170 1 (3 different color inner
                                             labels released)
                 LP UK 1987 Polygram POLH 36
                 LP FR 198? Dreyfus 833 126-1
                 2LP JA 198? Polydor 28MM0592
                 CD US 1987 Polygram 833 170 2
                 CA US 1987 Polygram 833 170 4

          Alternate track listings on French CD:

          1:17   Oxygene V
          2:35   Ethnicolor Part 1
          1:30   Ethnicolor Part 2
          1:25   Ethnicolor Part 3
          4:08   Ethnicolor Part 4
          4:35   Magnetic Fields I
          3:32   Souvenir of China
          3:50   Equinoxe V
          0:32   Blessing
          3:54   Rendez-Vous III (Laser Harp)
          2:42   Rendez-Vous II Part 1
          2:54   Rendez-Vous II Part 2
          3:06   Rendez-Vous II Part 3
          2:27   Rendez-Vous II Part 4
          4:36   Ron's Piece
          4:52   Rendez-Vous IV

                 CD FR 198? Dreyfus 833 126-2

1986      Awarded "Les Victories de la Musique" for best musical
          spectacle and best instrumental record of the year. (For

1987      Anniversary (AKA Complete Works)

          (see individual discs for more information)


                 Oxygene                     800-015-2
                 Equinoxe                    800-025-2
                 Magnetic Fields             800-024-2
                 Concerts In China (2 discs) 811-511-2
                 Zoolook                     823-763-2
                 Rendez-Vous                 829-125-2
                 Houston-Lyon (spec ed)      833-738-2

                 8CD 1987 Polygram 833-737-2

1987      Jean-Michel Jarre Cities In Concert (The Special Edition)

          Originally only available as part of the Anniversary
          collection, see In Concert (Houston/Lyon) for artist
          information/lineup. Later the package was split up and this
          was available separately. Most of the "commercial banter" and
          audience comments are different from those released in the
          original issue.

           1:30  Oxygene V                        [1]
          11:40  Ethnicolor                       [2]
                     (Indexed as Part 1,2,3,4)
           8:10  Magnetic Fields I                [2]
           5:36  Souvenir of China                [3]
           6:00  Equinoxe V                       [2]
           3:55  Rendez-Vous III (Laser Harp)     [1]
           5:29  Equinoxe VII                     [4]
           3:22  Wooloomooloo                     [4]
          11:55  Rendez-Vous II                   [3]
                     (indexed as Part 1,2,3,4)
           6:35  Ron's Piece                      [3,5]
           6:57  Rendez-Vous IV                   [2,6]

          [1] These tracks are the same as in the regular issue
          [2] Different Version from the regular issue
          [3] Same version, longer mix
          [4] Bonus song, not on regular issue
          [5] Either Kirk Whalum is a VERY good soloist or some of this
                 version was edited out to create the one on the regular
                 release. They both start EXACTLY the same.
          [6] This is from the encore at the Houston concert, the
                 regular release cut is from the main performance.

                 CD UK 1987 Polygram 833738-2

1987      Rendezvous Lyon

                 Equinoxe V

                 7" WG 1986 Polygram 885 922 7
                 7" SP 1986 Polygram 885 922 7

1987 Jul  Concert Lyon/Houston reaches UK #18

1987      Concert d' Images Exhibition in Paris from Concorde to
          Docklands with working Lazer Harp, videos, stills etc. Book by
          Jean-Louis Remilleux issued to coincide with exhibition, hard
          cover, autograph etched on back. (book ltd to 5000)

1988 Sep  Revolutions

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Roland D50, Fairlight CMI II,III, Synthex,
                 AKS, Oscar, EMS Vocoder, Dynacord ADDI, Cristal
                 Baschet*, AKAI MPC-60:Drums programming on Revolutions,
                 Tokyo Kid, September)
          Dominique Perrier (Emulator, Fairlight, Ensoniq ESQ1, Roland
                 D50 and D550, Synthex, Oscar, AKAI MPC-60 programming)
          Michel Geiss (ARP 2600,KAWAI K5, Geiss Matrisequencer,
                 Cavagnolo MIDY 20, Elka AMK 800)
          Jo Hammer (Drums, Simmons SDX, Dynacord ADDI)
          Guy Delacroix (Bass)
          Sylvian Durand (Fairlight CMI on London Kid)
          Jun Miyake (Trumpet and Megaphone on Tokyo Kid)
          Hank Marvin (Guitar on London Kid)

          * Cristal Baschet designed by Bernard and Francois Baschet

          Recorded and mixed at Croissy Studio, France

          16:33  Industrial Revolution, Indexed, Overture,Parts 1-3
           4:34  London Kid
           5:01  Revolutions
           5:22  Tokyo Kid
           5:00  Computer Weekend
           3:52  September, Dedicated to Dulcie September
           3:56  The Emigrant

                 LP UK Polygram 837 098 1
                 LP UK Polygram POLH 45
                 CD WG DD/Polygram 837 098 2 (light back)

          Alternate CD release track listings:

           5:20  Revolution Industrielle: Ouverture
           5:08  Revolution Industrielle: Part 1
           2:18  Revolution Industrielle: Part 2
           3:47  Revolution Industrielle: Part 3
           4:34  London Kid
           5:01  Revolutions
           5:22  Tokyo Kid
           5:00  Computer Weekend
           3:52  September, Dedicated to Dulcie September
           3:56  L'emigrant

                 LP FR Dreyfus/Polygram 837 421 1
                 CD UK Polygram CD 837 098 2 (dark back)
                 CD FR Dreyfus/Polygram 837 421 2

1989 Jan  Revolutions

           7:53  Revolutions, Extended Mix
           5:01  Revolutions, Lp Mix
           3:29  Revolutions, Single Remix

                 CDS UK Polygram 871 027 2
                 CDS FR Polygram PZCD 25

1988 Oct  Revolutions

           7:53  Revolutions, Extended Mix
           5:01  Revolutions, Lp Mix
           2:18  Industrial Revolution: Part 2

                 12" UK Polygram PZ 25
                 12" UK Polygram PZ 25 (white label promo)
                 CDS FR Dreyfus 871 141

1988      Revolutions

                 Revolutions (Extended Mix)
                 Revolutions (Ermelin & Geiss mix)
                 Industrial Revolution: Part 2

                 12" UK Polygram 871 027
                 12" UK Polygram (White demo)

1988      Revolutions


1988 Oct  Revolutions

                 Revolutions (7" mix)
                 Industrial Revolution Part 2

                 7" UK Polygram PO 25
                 7" FR Polygram 887 931 7
                 7" DU Polygram 871 026 7 (in 12" P/S)
                 12" FR Polygram 887 931 1

1988      Revolutions

          One Sided test pressing


                 7" No Number

1988 Dec  London Kid

           3:47  London Kid
           4:03  Industrial Revolution, Part 3
           3:15  Revolutions, Remix

                 12" UK Polygram PZ 32
                 12" UK Polygram 871 402 1
                 CDS UK Polygram 871 407 2

1988 Dec  London Kid

                 London Kid (edit)
                 Industrial Revolution Pt 3

                 7" UK Polygram PO 32
                 7" UK Polygram 871 406

1988      London Kid


1988      Interview

          9/21/99 35 WOGAN
          9/2/88 WIRED 30

1988 Sep  Revolutions hits UK #3

1988 Oct  (8,9) Destination Docklands concert takes place Newham,
          London. Largest ever paying audience in Great Britain (over
          200,000) largest free audience (over 800,000) Video broadcast
          on Television.


          Industrial Revolution

           5:30  Overture
          11:00  Industrial Revolution
           7:00  Equinoxe 5
          11:00  Ethnicolor

          Swingin' Sixties

           4:00  Computer Weekend
           4:30  Magnetic Fields
           4:00  Oxygene 4
           7:00  Equinoxe 7
           5:30  London Kid (with Hank Marvin)

          The 90's

           3:30  Laser Harp
           5:30  Tokyo Kid
           5:00  Revolutions
           4:00  Souvenir of China
          11:00  Rendez-Vous 2
           5:00  Rendez-Vous 4


           5:00  September (Dulcie)
           5:00  Revolutions
           5:00  The Emigrant

1988      VHS Channel 4 Docklands Jingle
          RAD Destination Docklands (Live Radio1, 2hrs with commentary)
          VHS Destination Docklands (CH 4)
          RADIO Destination Docklands (Capital radio simulcast with
          VHS The Making of Destination Docklands (ITV)
          VHS Ad for ITV Docklands 7-10-89 (ITV.)
          VHS Destination Docklands (ITV)

1989 Sep  Oxygene

          Live tracks from JARRE LIVE

          2:50   Oxygene IV (Single Version)
          3:04   Industrial Revolution (Overture)

                 7" UK Polygram PO 55
                 7" UK Polygram PO 55 (picture sleeve with press
                 7" FR Polygram 889 462 7

1989 Oct  Jarre Live

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Synth)
          Dominique Perrier (Synth)
          Michel Geiss (Synth, Accordion)
          Jo Hammer (Drums)
          Guy Delacroix (Bass)
          Sylvian Durand (Keyboards & Music Co-ordination)
          Dino Lumbroso (Percussions)
          Hank Marvin (Guitar [Stratocaster] on London Kid and Rendez-
                 vous IV)
          Setsuko Yamada (Solo Dance Performance & Percussion)
          Newham Academy of Music
          Mali Chior
          Kudsi Erguner (Turkish Flute on Revolutions)
          Christine Durand (Soprano)
          Francis Rimbert (Keyboards)
          Bruno Rossignol (Choir Conductor of the Newham Academy of
          Michael Toll (Newham Musical Director)
          Mireille Pombo (Vocals on "September")
          Sori Bamba (Choice Conductor of Mali Choir on "September")

          Performed live in London-At the "Docklands" performances

           1:03  Introduction (Revolutions)
           3:00  Overture (Industrial Revolution)
           5:45  Industrial Revolution Part 1-2-3
           4:09  Magnetic Fields II
           3:46  Oxygene IV
           5:18  Computer Week-End
           3:52  Revolutions
           4:57  London Kid
           4:16  Rendezvous IV
           8:54  Rendezvous II
           4:45  September
           3:53  The Emigrant

                 LP WG/UK Polygram 841 258 1
                 LP FR Dreyfus 841 176 1
                 LP AG Polygram 29210 ("In Vivo" promo issue)
                 CD WG Polygram 841 258 2
                 CD FR Dreyfus 841 176 2
                 CA WG Polygram 841 258 4

1989      Oxygene

          Live tracks from JARRE LIVE

          2:50   Oxygene IV (Single Version [remix])
          3:04   Industrial Revolution (Overture)
          3:26   Oxygene IV (Live Version)
          4:25   September

                 12" 1989 UK Polygram/Dreyfus 889 921 1
                 12" 1989 UK Polygram/Dreyfus PZ 55
                 CDS 1989 UK Polygram/Dreyfus 889 921 2

1989      Destination Docklands (Video)

                 52 minutes

                 Introduction (Revolutions)
                 Overture (Industrial Revolution)
                 Industrial Revolution Part 1-2-3
                 Magnetic Fields II
                 Oxygene IV
                 Computer Week-End
                 London Kid
                 Rendezvous IV
                 Rendezvous II
                 The Emigrant

                 VHS PAL UK Polygram 080 868-3
                 VHS PAL UK Polygram CFV 10212

1989      Oxygene IV

                 Oxygene IV (remix)

                 VHS PAL UK 

1989      Rendezvous Lyon

                 52 minutes

                 VHS PAL FR Polygram PY 700

1989      Les Concerts en Chine

                 79 minutes

                 VHS PAL Polygram 080 874-3

1989      Rendezvous Houston - A City In Concert

                 52 minutes

                 VHS PAL Polygram 080 872-3

1989      Destinations Docklands & The Making of Destination Docklands

                 90 minutes

                 VHS PAL Polygram 081 628-3

1989      4 Pack PAL & 4 Pack SECAM video releases of:

                 Rendezvous Lyon
                 Les Concerts en Chine
                 Rendezvous Houston
                 Destinations Docklands & The Making of Destination

1989      Les Annees Laser

          "Special Record Box"

1990      Revolutions

          Track on Razormaid remix albums.

           6:48  Revolutions

                 12" US Razormaid RMO 24 (Red Vinyl)
                 CD US Razormaid r-1

1990      Interview

          Jean-Michel Jarre

          Limited edition to about 1000 copies, now sold out. It has a
          different picture of Jean Michel-Jarre on the front and back.
          The interview is VERY VERY VERY poor quality from
          approximately 1977.

                 12" UK Baktabak BAK2125

1990 Jun  Waiting for Cousteau

          Jean-Michel Jarre (Keyboards)
          Dominique Perrier (Keyboards)
          Michel Geiss (Keyboards)
          The Amoco Renegades (Steel drums on "Calypso", Calypso
                 part 2 & 3)
          Jit Samaroo (Musical director for the Amoco Renegades)
          Bertram Kellman (Steel drums tuner)
          Guy Delacroix (Bass on "Calypso")
          Christophe Deschamps (Drums on "Calypso")

          "Calypso" (1,2,3)

          Recorded at Coral Sound Studio, Port of Spain, Republic of
                 Trinidad and Tobago.

          Sound engineer: Denis Vanzetto.

          Mixed by Michel Geiss/Jean-Michel Jarre at Studio Guillaume
                 Tell, Paris.

          Sound engineer: Bruno Mylonas.

          "Waiting for Cousteau"

          Recorded and mixed by Jean-Michel Jarre at Croissy Studio,

          Recorded and mixed on STUDER A820 Dolby SR.

          Mastering: Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound, New York.

           8:23   Calypso
           7:10   Calypso part 2
           6:29   Calypso part 3 (Fin de si`ecle)
          46:53   Waiting For Cousteau              *

          (* On the LP & Cassette this track is 22:00 min)

                 CD 1990 FR Disques Dreyfus/Polygram 843 624-2 (DDD,
                                             indexed,French text)
                 CD 1990 UK Disques Dreyfus/Polygram 843 614-2 (DDD)
                 LP 1990 FR Disques Dreyfus/Polygram 843 624-1
                 LP 1990 AG Polygram 29253 ("Esperando a Cousteau",
                 CA 1990 FR Disques Dreyfus/Polygram 843 624-4

          On the French releases, all titles are in French

1990      Calypso

          Extended version mixed by Michael Geiss and Bruno Mylonas
                 assisted by Renaud Letang at Guillame Tell Studio,

          7:10   Calypso (Extended Version)
          2:53   Calypso (Single Version)
          3:50   Calypso Part 2

                 CDS FR Dreyfus/Polygram 877 407-2
                 7"  FR Dreyfus/Polygram 877 407-7
                 12" FR Dreyfus/Polygram 877 407-1
                 CDS WG Dreyfus/Polygram 877 391-2 (DDD)

1990 Jul  (14) Concert in Paris (La Defense)

          Jean Michel Jarre (Keyboards)
          Michael Geiss (Keyboards)
          Dominique Perrier (Keyboards)
          Sylvian Durand (Keyboards)
          Francis Rimbert (Keyboards)
          Fredric Rousseau (Keyboards)
          Guy Delacroix (Bass)
          Christoph Deschamps (Drums)
          Dino Lumbroso (Percussion)

          Amoco Renegades (Steel Band)
          Al Mawsili (Arabic Musical Ensemble)
          Larbi Ouechni (Musical Director)
          Xavier Bellenger (Artistical coordinator)
          Bruno Rossignol (Director of the Choirs of the Hauts de Seine)
          Peter Minshall (Designer of Animated characters)
          Todd Gulick (Assistant to P. Minshall)
          Kiran Akal (Coordinator)

          The concert has been broadcast in France, Japan, and other
          countries. A video has been produced and it was broadcast in
          France September 12.

          Concert sequence: (From a "Witness" [John Voesten])

          Very long atmospheric intro with the wind noise from Oxygene
                 IVOxygene IV - More "punchy" than the original.
          Oxygene IV
          Equinoxe IV
          Equinoxe V
          Souvenirs de Chine (New version.)
          Magnetic Fields 2 (Long, "experimental" sounding intro new
                 middle part, ending is like the version on Concerts in
          Ethnicolor (Plenty new samples used here, not complete but it
                 merges into....)
          Zoolookologie (Ethnicolor flows over in this piece.)
          Revolutions (Brand new version, Live singer & new middle part)
          Second Rendez-vous I  (Starts with intro of First Rendezvous)
          Second Rendez-vous II
          Second Rendez-vous III (Laserharp)
          Second Rendez-vous IV
          Calypso part 2 (Starts with underwater sounds of Calypso 1.
                 Jarre tried to use the LaserHarp(TM) for the main
                 melody... The MIDI-system didn't work.)
          Calypso part 3 (Woman sings along with this piece.)
          Calypso (Precisely like the studio version)
          Fourth Rendezvous
          Calypso Remix (The remix from the CD-single. The steel drums
                 were 'a bit' live...)

1990      Concert in Paris (La Defense)

          TV Broadcast

          Titles - Calypso I (heavily remixed - no steel drums)
          Countdown - Like Rendezvous Houston.
           IVOxygene IV - More "punchy" than the original, intro with wind
          Equinoxe IV - small male choir and female soprano join in
          Souvenir of China - new bassline and Dominique Perrier solo
          Magnetic Fields 2 - second "verse" edited out?
          Ethnicolor 1 fades into...
          Zoolookologie - more "laid-back" than the original, most of
                 the rhythm section replaced with single slapped
          Revolutions - Completely new. Synth-strings replaced by
                 Arabian musicians.
          Second Rendezvous (I-IV) - not much different.
          Calypso II - slightly different from he original melody
          Calypso III - steel drums much more prominent in this version
          Calypso I - extended version
          Credits + Calypso I (same version as before)

          Danish tv (DR1),
          Swedish tv (TV1)
          French tv (TV5 Europe)
          UK TV

1991      Zoolookologie

           6:54  Zoolookologie (Transform Mix)
           6:21  Oxygene VI (Open Minded Mix 1)
           5:32  Oxygene VI (Open Minded Mix 2)

                 CDS 1991 WG Polydor 867 145-2

1991      Images - The Best of Jean-Michel Jarre

          3:09   Oxygene 4                   [1]
          3:21   Equinoxe 5                  [1]
          3:57   Magnetic Fields 2           [2]
          3:11   Oxygene 2
          3:37   Computer Weekend            [2]
          3:12   Equinoxe 4                  [2]
          3:42   Ethnicolor 1                [1]
          3:41   London Kid                  [1,3]
          3:45   Zoolookologie               [4]
          1:28   Band in the Rain
          3:26   Orient Express              [2]
          2:59   Calypso 1                   [1]
          3:42   Calypso 3 (Fin De Siecle)   [1]
          3:23   Rendez-Vous 4               [1]
          2:59   Moon Machine
          3:29   Eldorado
          3:29   Globe Trotter
          8:48   Rendez-Vous 2               [2]

          [1] Edits
          [2] New Mix
          [3] on WG issue
          [4] on FR issue

                 CD 1991 FR Disques Dreyfus 191 031-2
                 CD 1991 WG Disques Dreyfus 511 306-2
                 LP 1991 FR Disques Dreyfus 191 031-1
                 LP 1991 WG Disques Dreyfus 511 306-1
                 CA 1991 FR Disques Dreyfus 191 031-4
                 CA 1991 WG Disques Dreyfus 511 306-4

1991      Images: The Best of Jean Michel Jarre

          Promo videos for:

                 Oxygene 4
                 Equinoxe 4
                 Magnetic Fields 2
                 Orient Express
                 Souvenir of China
                 Fourth Rendezvous
                 London Kid (Live in Docklands)
                 Oxygene 3
                 Calypso (animation)
                 Calypso (Live in Paris)

                 VHS PAL Polygram Video 083 802-3


Worldwide Electronic Mail:

          E-mail to:

          Conductor of the Masses
          296 Newton Road
          Rushden, Northamptonshire
          NN10 OSY

          They publish a magazine every three months on Jean Michel-
          Jarre with the latest news, concert pictures, and lots of
          other things. Each issue is 2.5 pounds.

          Jean-Michel Jarre fanclub vzw
          M. Joostenslaan 30
          2980 Zoersel

          Membership is 490 BF a year (about 8 pounds or 12 US$)

          Jean-Michel Jarre Fanzine
          Postbox 2014
          6160 HA Geleen

          They publish a periodic newsletter in Dutch. Send an
          International Reply Coupon (available at your post office) for
          details. Also available is a "Infobook" which includes
          listings of magazine articles, misc Jarre "items" (hats, t-
          shirts), awards, chart listings and other productions Jarre
          was involved with.


          Songbook- Sheet Music for:

          Oxygene II
          Oxygene IV
          Oxygene VI
          Equinoxe I
          Equinoxe IV
          Equinoxe V
          Magnetic Fields I (Excerpt)
          Magnetic Fields II
          Magnetic Fields III
          Magnetic Fields IV
          Souvenir Of China
          Orient Express
          Ethnicolor II
          Rendezvous II
          Rendezvous III
          Rendezvous IV
          Rendezvous VI (Ron's Piece)

Distributed by:
          Distribution Exclusive
          I.D. Music
          42-44, rue du Fer-a-Moulin 75005 Paris
          Tel 45354425 - Telex 201947 - FAX 45351568

          Exclusive Distribution for the UK and Eire
          Music Sales Ltd
          8/9 Frith Street
          London W1V5TZ

1987      Jean-Michel Jarre

          Picture book/biography of Jean-Michel.

          Hardcover, 1987 Editions Oliver Orban
          Softcover, 1988 MacDonald Futura ISBN 0 7088 4263 1

1991      Jean-Michel Jarre Songbook Volume One

          ISBN :- 0-86359-822-6


          Oxygene I, Equinoxe IV, Magnetic Fields I, Souvenir
          of China, Diva, Fishing Junks at Sunset (!),
          Industrial Revolutions Overture, Industrial
          Revolutions 1-2-3 (Version Jarre Live!), September,
          Rendez-Vous II, Calypso II, Oxygene IV, Equinoxe
          VII, Magnetic Fields V, Arpegiateur, Zoolook,
          Revolutions, The Emigrant, Ron's Piece, Calypso III
          (fin de siecle)

1991      Jean Michel Jarre Songbook Volume Two

          ISBN :- 0-86359-823-4


          Oxygene II, Oxygene VI, Equinoxe III, Magnetic
          FIelds II, Magnetic Fields IV, Night in Shanghai,
          Zoolookologie, London Kid, Rendez-Vous III Calypso
          I, Oxygene III, Equinoxe 1, Equinoxe V, Magnetic
          Fields III, Orient Express, Band in the Rain,
          Computer Weekend, Tokyo Kid, Rendez-Vous IV, Waiting
          for Cousteau (extracts)

This discography is a production of

                    Datta Production and Development
                             905 97th Street
                            Kenosha, WI 53143


This was brought to you via computer resources courtesy of University of
Wisconsin-Parkside and Datta Production and Development.

For a list of discographies available via E-mail, please mail or anonymous FTP and look in the
/pub/music/discog directory.


Популярность: 18, Last-modified: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:14:37 GmT