1.  Opening intro
2.  Emotionnal weather report
3.  (Intro)
4.  On a foggy night
5.  (Intro)
6.  Eggs and sousage                      +--
    (In a cadillac with Susan Michelson)
7.  (Intro)
8.  Better off without wife               +/-
9.  Nighthawk postcards
    (From easy street)
10. (Intro)
11. Warm beer and cold women
12. (Intro)
13. Putnam country
14. Spare parts I
    (A nocturnal emission)
15. Nobody
16. (Intro)
17. Big Joe and Phantom 309
18. Spare parts II and closing

Популярность: 4, Last-modified: Mon, 04 Nov 1996 17:16:12 GmT