1. Red shoes by the drugstorÅ
She wore red shoes by the newstand
As the rain splashed the nickle
Spilled like chablis along the midway
Theres a little bluejay
In a red dress, on a sad night
One straw in a rootbeer
A compact with a cracked mirror
And a bottle of evening in paris perfume
Whats this sad tune
He told her to wait by the magazines
He had to take care of some business it seems
Bring a raincoat
And a suitcase
And your dark eyes
And wear those red shoes
Theres a dark huddle at the bus stop
Unbrellas arranged in a sad bouquet
li'l cesar got caught
He has going down to second
He has cooled
Changing stations on the chamber
To steal a diamond
From a jewelry store for his baby
He loved the way she looked
In those red shoes
She waited by the drugstore
Cesaer had never been late before
and the dogs bayed the moon
And rattled their chains
And the cold jingle of taps in a puddle
Was the burgler alarm
Snitchin on cesaer
Note the rain washes memories from the sidewalks
And the hounds splash down the nickle
Full of soldiers
And santa claus is drunk in the ski room
And it's christmas eve
In a sad cafe
when the moon gets this way
Ther's a little blue my
By the newstand
Wearing red shoes
So meet me tonight by the drugstore
W're goin' out tonight
Wear your red shoes
(Tom Waits) (C)1978 Fith Floor Music, Inc.(ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal;Da Willie Gonga - Yahama Electric Piano;
Rick Lawson - Drums; Roland Bautista - Electric Guitar;
Byron Miller - Bass
2. óhristmas card from a hooker in minneapolis
Hey Charley I'm pregnant
and living on 9-th street
Right above a dirty bookstore
Off cuclid avenue
And I stopped taking dope
And I quit drinking whiskey
And my old man plays the trombone
And works out at the track.
And he says that he loves me
Even though its not his baby
And he says that he'll raise him up
Like he would his own son
And he gave me a ring
That was worn by his mother
And he takes me out dancin
Every saturday nite.
And hey Charley I think about you
Everytime I pass a fillin' station
On account of all the grease
You used to wear in your hair
and I still have that record
Of little anthony & the imperials
But someone stole my record player
How do you like that?
hey Charley I almost went crazy
After mario got busted
So I went back to omaha to
Live with my folks
But everyone I used to know
Was either dead or in prison
So I came back in minneapolis
this time I think I'm gonna stay.
Hey Charley I think I'm happy
For the first time since my accident
And I wish I had all the money
That we used to spend on dope
i'd buy me a used car lot
And I wouldn't sell any of em
i'd just drive a different car
Every day dependin on how
i feel.
Hey Charley
for chrissakes
do you want to know
The truth of it?
i don't have a husband
He don't play the trombone
And I need to borrow money
to pay this lawyer
And Charley, hey
i'll be eligible for parole
Come valentines day.
(Tom Waits) (C)1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Acoustic Piano; Da Willie Gonga -
Yamaha Electric Grand Piano
Romeo is bleeding but not so as you'd notice
He's over on 18hh street as usual
Lookin' so hard against the hood of his car
And puttin' out a cigarette in his hand
And for all the pachucos at the pumps
At romeros paint and body
They all seein' how far they can spit
Well it was just another night
but how they're huddled in the brake lights of a 58 belair
And listenin' to how romeo killed a sherrif his knife
And they all jump when they hear the sirens
But romeo just laughs and says
all the racket in the world ain't never gonna
Save that coppers ass
He'll never see another summertime for gunnin' down my brother
And leavin' him like a dog beneath a car without his knife
And romeo says hey man gimme a cigarette
And they all reach for their pack
and frankie lights it for him and pats him on the back
And throws bottle at a milk truck
And as it breaks he grabs his nuts
And they all know they could be just like romeo
If they only had the guts
But romeo is bleeding but nobody can tell
And he sings along with the radio
With a bullet in his chest
And he combs back his fenders
And they all agree its clear
That every thing is cool now that romeos here
But romeo is bleeding
And he winces now and then and he leans against
the car doors and feels the blood in his shoes
And someones crying in the phone booth
At the 5 points by thestore
Romeo starts his engine
And wipes the blood off the door
and he brodys through the signal
With the radio full blast
Leavin' the boys there hikin' up there chinos
And they all try to stand like romeo
Beneath the moon cut like a sickle
And they're talkin' now in spanish about there hero
but romeo is bleeding as he gives the man his ticket
And he climbs to the balcony at the movies
And he'll die without a wimper
Like every heros dream
Just an angel with a bullet
And cagney on the screen
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Frank Vicary - Tenor Sax;
Ray Crawford - Electric Guitar; Charles Kynard - Organ;
Jim Hughart - Bass; Chip White - Drums; Bobbye Hall - Congas
Little black girl in a red dress
On a hothight with a broken shoe
Little black girl you shoulde never left home
theres probly someone thats still waitin' up for you
Its cold back in chicago
But in los angles its worse
When all you got is $29.00 and an alligator purse
I see already that vulture in the fleetwood
With the startruse hood
can see you're trying to get you bearrings
And you say hey which ways the main stem
And where ever you say you're from
He'll say he grew up there himself
And he'll comeon and make you feel
Like you grew up right next door to him
And you say take a left on a central
And he trows it in reverse
Cause you only got $29.00 and an alligator purse
And he'll come on like a gentleman
And you'll be a little shy
You say you ex old man was a sax player
he'll say baby i used to play bass for sly
And you say you like his cadillac, say honey, i got 2 or 3
He'll say sweetheart you're sure fortunate
That you ran into me
When you've done a dime in the joint
you figure nothin' could be worse
And you got $29.00 and an alligator purse
Well he got pharoh on the 8 track
You start smokin' a little boo
You thinkin' gettin' outofchicago was the
Best thing that ever happend to you
startin' to like it already
This cat seems to be cool
And he says honey i know a good hotel out in west hollywood
That'd be just right for you
But he ain't know good samaritan
He'll make sure he's reimursed
Lot more than $29.00 and a alligator purse
Now the sirens just an epilog
The cops here always get there too late
They always stop for coffee on the way to the scene of the crime
Then they always try so hard to look just like movie stars
They couldnt catch a cold
You ony wasting you dime
and she's lucky to be alive
The doctor whispered to the nurse
She only lost a 1/2 pint of blood
$29.00 and an alligator purse
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Da Willie Gonga - Yamaha Electric
Grand Piano; Roland Bautista - Electric Guitar; Byron Miller - Bass;
Rick Lawson - Drums
5. Wrong side of the road
Put a dead cat on the railraod tracks
When the wolf bains blooming by the tressel
And get the eyeball of a rooster
And the stones from a ditch
And wash em down with bilge water
And say you'll never snitch
Take the buttons from a yellow jacket
The feather from a buzzard
And the blood from the bounty hunters cold black heart
Catch the tears of a window
In a thimble made ofglass
Tell your mamaand your papa
theycan kiss your ass
Poison all the water in the wishin' well
And hang all them scarecrows from a sycamore tree
Burn down all those honeymoons
Put em in a pillow case
and wait next to the switch blades at the amusements park for me
Strangle all the cristmas carols
Scratch out all you prayers
Tie em up with barbed wire
And push them down the stairs
And i'll whittle you a pistol
For reepin' nightmares off the blinds
those sunsabitches always seem to sneak up from behind
Syphom all the gas from your daddys pickup truck
Fill up jonnys t bird
I got a couple bucks
Put on little perfume and ribbon in your hair
Careful that you don't wake up the hounds
Tear a bolt of lightning
Off the side of the sky
And throw in the cedar chest
If you want me to tell you why
Bring the gear shift knob from a 49 mere
And lay down here beside me
Let me hold you in the dirt
And you'll tremble as the flames
tear the throat out of the night
Sink your teeth into my shoulder
Dig your nails into my back
Tell that lettle girl to let go of my sleeve
You'll be awoman when i catch you
as you faqll in love with me
Then with my double barrel shotgun
And a whole box of shells
We'll celebrate the 4 of july
We'll do 100 mph
Spendin' someone elses dough
and we'll drive all the way to reno
On the wrong side of the road
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Charles Kynard - Organ;
Frank Vicary - Tenor Sax; Ray Crawford - Electric Guitar;
Jim Hughart - Bass; Chip White - Drums
6. Whistlin' past the graveyard
Well i come in on a night train
With an arm full of box cars
on the wings of a magpie
Cross a hooligan night
And i busted up a chifforobe
Way out by the cocomo
Cooked up a mess a mulligan
and got into a fight
Whistlin' past the graveyard
Steppin' on a crack
I'm a mean motherhubbard
Papa one eyes jack
you probably seen me sleepin'
Out by the railroad tracks
Go on and ask the prince of darkness
What about all thet smoke
Come from the stack
Sometimes i kill myself a jackel
Suck out all the blood
Steal myself a stationwagon
Drivin' through the mud
Whistlin' past the graveyard
Steppin' on a crack
I'm mean motherhubbard
Papa one eyed jack
i know you seen my headlights
And the honkin' of my horn
I'm callin' out my bloodhounds
Chase the devil through the corn
Last night i chugged the mississippi
now that suckers dry as a bone
Born in a taxi cab
I'm never comin' home
Whistlin' past the graveyard
Steppin' on a crack
I'm mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack
Myeyes have seen the glory
Of the drainin' og the ditch
I only come to baton rouge
To find myself a witch
I'm-ona snatch me up a
Couple of em every time itrains
You see a locomotive
Probably thinkin' its a train
Whistlin' past the graveyard
Steppin' on a crack
I'm a mean motherhubbard
papa one eyed jack
What you think is the sunshine
Is just a twinkle in my eye
That ring around my fingers
just the 4th of july
When i get a little bit lonesome
And a tear falls from my check
Theres gonna be an ocean in
The middle of the week
Whistlin' past the graveyard
steppin' on a crack
I'm mean motherhubbard
Papa one eyed jack
I rode into town on a night train
With an arm full of box cars
On the wings of a magpie
Cross a hooligan night
I'm-ona tear me off a rainbow
And wear it for a tie
I never told the truth
So i can never tell a lie
Whistlin' past the graveyard
steppin' on a crack
I'm mean motherhubbard
Papa one eyed jack
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Harold Battiste
"Shine" Robinson - Electric Guitar; Herbert -
Tenor Sax; Scott Edwards - Bass; Earl Palmer
Eddie graces buick got 4 bullet holes in the side
Charley delislesittin' at the top of an avacado tree
Mrs storml stab you with a steak knife if you step on her lawn
I got a half pack of lucky strikes man come along with me
Lets fill our pockets with macadamia nuts
Then go ever to bobby goodmansons
And jump off the roof
Hilda plays strip poker
And her mamas across the street
Joey narinsky says she put her tongue in his mouth
Dicky faulkners got a switchblade
And some goosenecks risers
that eucalyptus is a hunchback
Theres a wind up from the south
Let me tie you up with kite string
And i'll show you the scabs on my knee
Watch out for the broken glass, put your shoes and socks
on and come along with me
Lets follow that fire truck
I think your house is burning down
Then go down to the hobo jungle and kill some rattle
snakes with a trowel
We'll break all the windows in the ols anderson place
and steal a bunch of boysenberrys
Ans swear em on our face
I'll get a dollar from my mamas purse
And buy that scull and crossbones ring
And you can wear it round your neck on an old piece of string
Then we'll split on ronniie arnold
And flip him the bird
And slash the tires on the school bus
Now don't say a word
I'll take a rusty nail and scratch your initials on my arm
And i'll show you how to sneak up on the roof of the drugstore
Take the spokes from your wheellchair
and a magpies wings
And tie em to your shoulders and your feet
I'll steal a hacksaw from my dad
And cut the braces off your legs
And we'll bury them tonight in the cornfield
Put a church key in your pocket
We'll hop that freight train in the hall
And we'll slide down the drain all the way
To new orleans in the fall
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Orchestra Arranged & Conducted by Bob Alcivar; Vocal &
Piano - Tom Waits
8. A sweet little bullet from a pretty blue gun ++-
It's raining it's pouring
And you didn't bring a sweater
Nebraska'll never let you come back home
And on hollywood and vine
By the trifty mart sign
And night i'll be willin' to bet
There's a young girl
with sweet little wishes
And pretty blue dreams
Standin' there and gettin' all wet
Now there's a place off the drag
called the gilbert hotel
There's a couple letters burned out the sign
And it's better then a bus stop
And they do good business
Every time it rains
For sweet little girls
With nothing in their jeans
but sweet little wishes
And pretty blue dreams
Now it's raining it's pouring
The old man is snoring
Now i lay me down to sleep
I hear the sirens in the street
All the dreams are made of chrome
I have no way to get back home
I'd rather die before i wake
Like marilyn monroe
And throw my dreams out in
The street and the
Rain will make em grow
now the night clerk he got a club foot
And he's heard times or more
He says check out time is 10 am
And that's just what he means
and you go up the stairs
With sweet little wishes
And pretty blue dreams
Now it's raining it's pouring
And hollywoods just fine
Swindle a little out of her dreams
put a letter in the sign
Never trust a scarecrow
Wearin' shades after dark
Be areful of that old bow tie he wears
It takes asweet little bullet
From a pretty blue gun
To put those scarlet ribbons in your hair
No that ain't no cherry bomb
4th of july's all done
Just some fool playin' that a second line
From the barrel of a pretty blue gun
No that ain't no cherry bomb
4th of july's all done
get some fool playin' that second line
From the barrel of a pretty blue gun.
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Gerbert Hardesty - Tenor Sax;
"Shine" Robinson - Electric Guitar; Harold Battiste - Piano;
Scott Edwards - Bass; Earl Palmer - Drums
She sends me blue valentines
All the way from philadelphia
To mark the anniversary
Of someone that I used to be
And it feels just like there's
A warrant out for my arrest
Got me checkin' in my rearview mirrror
And I'm always on the run
Thats why I change my name
And I didn't think you'd ever find me here
To send me blue valentines
Like half forgotten dreams
like a pebble in my shoe
As I walk these streets
And the ghost of your memory
Is the thistle in the kiss
And the burgler that that can break a roses neck
it's the tattooed broken promise
That I hide beneath my sleeve
And I see you every time I turn my back
She sends me blue valentines
Though I try to remain at large
They're insisting that our love
must have a culogy
Why do I save all of this madness
In the nightstand drawer
There to haunt upon my shoulders
Baby I know
i'd be luckier to walk around everywhere I go
With a blind and broken heart
That sleeps beneath my lapel
She sends me blue valentines
To remind me of my cardinal sin
i can never wash the guilt
Or get these bloodstains off my hands
And it takes a lot of whiskey
to make these nightmares go away
And I cut my bleedin' heart out every nite
And I die a little more on each st. valentine day
Remember that I promised I would
Write you...
these blue valentines
blue valentines
blue valentines
/------------ twice ----------------\
| |
(long slide)
1st Verse
She sends me...
/----------- three times -------------\
| |
blue valen-tines
a-way from phila-delphia
to mark the anni-versary
/--------------------------- three times ---------------------------\
| |
of someone that I used to be and it feels like there's a warrant out
of my arrest, got me checkin' in my rear view-
mirror and i'm always on the run
that's why I changed my name and I
didn't think you'd ever find me here -> goto beginning
(Tom Waits) (C) 1978 Fifth Floor Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Tom Waits - Vocal & Electric Guitar; Electric Guitar Solo - Ray Crawford
ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 2, Last-modified: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 06:41:53 GmT